Teenage edgelord who ran an online swatting service sentenced to 4 years in federal prison. No word yet on when he will be pardoned and have his application to DOGE approved [Murica]
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Hey, I know. Let's abolish the laws that force chicken farmers to give their chickens even a few square feet of free movement and let them just cram them into any tiny space available. That should lower egg prices, right? [Facepalm]
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Day 1,087 of WW3. Surprising absolutely no one, US SecDef says future Ukraine aid will be transactional. Ruble rebounds because Stinky can't STFU, and an orc drone hits the concrete dome in Chernobyl. This your Valentine's Day Ukraine War thread [News]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Suddenly, all those idiots who paid thousands for a phone with TikTok installed just had their phones devalued to nothing. Subby was offering his for $350K [Followup]
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Lava and smoke begin emerging from a snowy Mount Etna meaning we may have indeed elected the anti-pope or the Old Ones have awakened. Most likely a column A, a little column B [Obvious]
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Baby oil and cookies might be fun in the bedroom. But in a restaurant they're a health code violation [Strange]
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Bad news: your Igloo cooler may amputate your finger. Good news: at least it'll keep it cold until you get to the hospital [Scary]
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Retired Detroit teacher has been teaching English and politics at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv since 2022 after traveling to Ukraine "to be of use". This is the kind of person the "Hero" tag was made for [Hero]
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Montana couple wanted for outstanding warrants quickly initiate winter wonderland version of Blues Brothers police chase finale [Strange]
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Woman banned from Walmart. All of them. I guess she'll just have to shoplift at the Dollar Store from now on [Strange]
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Kayaker briefly swallowed by humpback whale and spit out. Agrees to preach in Nineveh after all [Scary]
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Luckily this attack was carried out by someone stupid enough to think a Mini Cooper was up to the task [News]
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Elementary school kid saved when laptop in their backpack stopped bullet accidentally fired from gun inside another 2nd grader's backpack. Bonus: Nobody knows how gun got into backpack in first place [Scary]
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The rash is bright, the fever keeps you up all night *cough*cough*cough*cough* deep in the heart of Texas [Sick]
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H5N1 bird flu is spreading silently among those who served in the Great Cow War [Scary]
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Beavers derail a freight train and set the forest on fire. And you were worrying about bears? [Strange]
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There's often a good reason why the sign says "Trail Closed" But why not FAFO [Facepalm]
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Not sure why they mounted neon lights instead of blacklights, but whatever [Awkward]
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