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Side effects may include addiction to Candy Crush. If your addiction to Candy Crush lasts more than $215,000, call an attorney [Awkward]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Canadians hope everyone starts imitating Super Troopers right meow [Silly]
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On this day in history, in 1836, the defenders at the Alamo called for help from the basement [Vintage]
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The wealthiest 10% drive over half of the consumer economy. The rest of us are either in the back seat or ziptied in the trunk, economically speaking of course. Probably [Obvious]
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Tickets on sale now for Fyre Festival 2: Fyrer Festivaler. Firer Hard With a Vengeance slated for 2026. To be followed by an unrelated M. Night Shayamalan sequel [Stupid]
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Not The Onion: Woman Whose Last Name Is "Null" Keeps Running Into Trouble With Computer Systems [Fail]
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We've discovered possibly the only thing that could get a hockey crowd to give a ref a standing ovation, and it's a real shot in the nuts (possible nsfw content on page) [Scary]
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At long last we are getting flying cars with fricking laser beams on their heads. Difficulty: see Fark tag [Florida]
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Woman walks into restaurant to use loo and 'leaves with £150 sink stuffed in her bag'. Kitchen sink still in kitchen [Weird]
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Man arrested for "interference" by walking away from cops. Charges dismissed after judge confirms that legs exist [Fail]
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Lithium. The cause of, and solution to, all of one Chilean community's problems [Interesting]
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The Vatican announced that while Francis isn't ready to get on the cart just yet, they're now conducting nightly evening prayers, just like they did before John Paul II passed in 2005 [PSA]
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'City-killer' asteroid 2024 YR4 bombs in NASA polls, is now at Torino Scale Level Zero: No Farking Chance of Impact [Followup]
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Re-examining the unwritten rule of being "that guy" who wears the shirt of the band you're going to see [Interesting]
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CCTV appeal after man stabbed outside pub. Should be easy to spot [Facepalm]
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New study shows antidepressants can't fully counteract your smartphone, which for some reason is a buried lede instead of the actual original headline [PSA]
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Of all the insanity with flying lately, this pilot probably wasn't expecting a tarantula assault mid-flight but they might have been less surprised than usual [Scary]
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In medieval times, people blamed witches when things went wrong. Of course, in these enlightened times that doesn't happen [Scary]
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Landlord shows pictures of shocking state of apartment after nightmare tenant finally leaves. Does not disclose tenant's Fark handle, but the list of suspects starts on the right [Sick]
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