Documents: Stupid
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July 23, 2024Days before wedding, woman, 26, is jailed
July 8, 2024DOCUMENT: StupidTurns out Tennessee "Karen" has charitable side
June 6, 2024Perp stopped daughter from shaking hands with admin
May 22, 2024Police: Retiree, 80, battered man, 72
May 8, 2024Perp claims blood pressure spike caused fracas
April 30, 2024Defendant, 20, cited hangry defense after bust
April 17, 2024Indianan wanted to file charges against dealer
April 15, 2024Victim, 62, did not knead hospitalization after battery
April 12, 2024Cops caught souped-up Camaro in street race
April 4, 2024Perp was wanted for exposing himself at Walmart
April 1, 2024Floridian busted after refusing to pay $250
March 11, 2024Defendant thought his wrestling opponent "was a girl"
February 29, 2024Female worker clobbered man over tip refusal
February 28, 2024Suspect wore Hostess pastry box on hand
February 26, 2024Victim’s brother, a groomsman, now faces felonies