Bonds: The Incredible Growth Of A Superstar
Trial evidence to include series of photos of ex-athlete

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MARCH 8--Federal prosecutors will show jurors in Barry Bonds’s upcoming criminal trial photos purportedly depicting how performance-enhancing drugs transformed the formerly lithe baseball star into a hulking athlete.
In a U.S. District Court memorandum, government lawyers yesterday filed a series of nine photos of Bonds spanning about 20 years, beginning with a black and white photo from Arizona State University and ending with a shot from his final years with the San Francisco Giants.
Bonds, who last played in 2007, has been indicted for lying to a grand jury about his use of steroids and human growth hormone. His criminal trial is scheduled to begin March 21.
The prosecution filing also includes a photo of Bonds from a 1995 calendar. The evidentiary purpose of that image, which is seen above, is not described in the court memo. (9 pages)
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