Video Teens Past Legal Run-Ins
Cop assault, robbery, theft on rap sheets of viral "victims"

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JUNE 17--One of the teenage girls seen tussling with a Seattle cop on a recent viral video was arrested last year for assaulting a sheriff's deputy, records show. Marilyn Levias, 19, was busted last February after cops were called to a residential treatment center where the young woman had been abusive to staff (Levias was scheduled to be transported to a foster home). According to this probable cause affidavit sworn by King County Sheriff's Office Detective Eleanor Broggi, Levias became "loud an uncooperative" and told two deputies to "Fuck Off." At one point, she allegedly pushed Deputy Amy Zarelli, causing her to fall, with Levias landing atop her. After Levias was handcuffed, she kicked Zarelli in the stomach and called her a "bitch." The charge against Levias, a first-time offender, was dismissed on "deferred disposition" after she completed the terms of community supervision. The other young woman seen in the recent video, Angel Rosenthal, 17, has been arrested twice in the past two years. She was busted in early-2008 for auto theft, as detailed in a probable cause affidavit sworn by a Kent Police Department officer. In an interview with police, Rosenthal admitted using a screw driver to "break the ignition and start" a Dodge Caravan. The juvenile case against Rosenthal was dismissed after Rosenthal received a "deferred disposition." She was arrested again last August for allegedly punching and robbing a 14-year-old boy, according to a Seattle Police Department probable cause affidavit. The robbery case was dismissed earlier this year. Levias and Rosenthal were arrested Monday afternoon after tangling with Officer Ian Walsh, who tried to cite Levias for jaywalking outside a Seattle high school. As seen in the video shot by an onlooker, Rosenthal was punched in the face by Walsh after she pushed the cop and tried to intervene in his arrest of Levias. (5 pages)