U.S. Senator Gets Flushed
Cops: Republican Larry Craig sought Minnesota airport toilet tryst

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AUGUST 28--Here's the Minnesota police report memorializing the June 11 arrest of U.S. Senator Larry Craig in an airport bathroom.
The Idaho Republican was nabbed in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport after he apparently sought some same-stall action from a plainclothes cop.
In a District Court complaint, Craig was charged with peeping and disorderly conduct. He pleaded guilty earlier this month to the misdemeanor disorderly conduct count and was fined $1000 and sentenced to ten days in the Hennepin County lockup (though the jail time was stayed as long as the politician keeps clean for a year).
According to the Airport Police Department report by Sgt. Dave Karsnia, Craig, 62, appeared versed in the subtle signs of seeking a stall assignation, from under-the-divider hand motions to some furtive footsie.
For his part, Craig denies engaging in lewd conduct and contends that Karsnia (pictured above left) misconstrued his actions. As for his expeditious plea, Craig now regrets admitting guilt, a realization that directly coincides with Roll Call's unearthing of the details of his bathroom bust.
In a press conference today, Craig claimed he "did nothing wrong at the Minneapolis airport," contradicting the plea agreement he signed earlier this month. That document, a copy of which can be found here, includes an acknowledgement that the court will not accept a plea from anyone who believes they are innocent.
Along with being fingerprinted by cops, the business suit-wearing Craig posed for mug shots, which can be found here. Like most senators, he had an American flag pin attached to his lapel. (10 pages)