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RICH-IE: The lush life of Lionel Richie's estranged wife
MARCH 4--As college final exams go, the test Jim Harrick Jr. once gave in his University of Georgia physical education class was a piece of cake. Until his resignation last year amidst allegations of impropriety in UGA's basketball program, Harrick was an assistant coach under his father, Jim Harrick (father/son pictured at right). In addition to helping pop run the lay-up line, the younger Harrick taught "Coaching Principles and Strategies in Basketball" during 2001's fall semester (click here to see course syllabus). The 39-student class was popular with several of Harrick's players, since the coach wasn't a stickler when it came to attendance, studying, or showing up for the College of Education course's only test. Below you'll find that test, a 20-question mockery that includes such brain teasers as, "How many points does a 3-point field goal account for in a Basketball Game?" Not surprisingly, each student got an A from Prof. Harrick. The test just surfaced in connection with a university review of rules violations in the basketball program. The school concurred with an NCAA finding that Harrick Jr. committed "academic fraud" and violated principles of "ethical conduct" in connection with his phys ed class. (6 pages)