Jacko's $1M Conspiracy Slush Fund
Singer allegedly promised to join accuser and family in Brazil

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SEPTEMBER 1--Michael Jackson allegedly authorized that $1 million in "petty cash" be used to fund an illegal conspiracy to silence the boy who has accused him of sexual abuse, according to a judicial order docketed today. In again denying Jackson's request for a reduction in his $3 million bail, Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville referred to the supposed slush fund and also disclosed that the performer claimed, in a prior sealed motion, that it would cost "in excess of $70 million" for a defendant of Jackson's stature to actually flee while on bail. Melville's order, a copy of which you'll find below, also noted that a grand jury transcript offers "detailed evidence" that Jackson sought to send the boy and his family--against their will--to Brazil, where he supposedly claimed he would join them. The alleged bid to put the family on ice came after the February 2003 broadcast of Martin Bashir's documentary "Living With Michael Jackson." During that controversial program, the boy, then 12, was seen nuzzling with Jacko, who insisted to Bashir that there was nothing wrong with his sharing a bed with a child. (4 pages)