Feds To Auction Swindler's Bill Clinton Sax
FBI seized signed instrument from fundraiser Hsu

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SEPTEMBER 20--Seized from a convicted Ponzi scheme operator who was a major Hillary Clinton fundraiser, a saxophone autographed by Bill Clinton is among the items set to be auctioned, with the proceeds being banked by the U.S. government.
The instrument, seen in these United States Marshals Service (USMS) photos, was formerly the property of Norman Hsu, the swindler who last year pleaded guilty to defrauding investors out of tens of millions of dollars. Hsu, 59, was sentenced to 24 years in prison.
While he was ripping off investors, Hsu, pictured in the above mug shot, was simultaneously making a name as a major Democratic Party donor, bundling more than $850,000 in contributions to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Clinton returned those donations following Hsu’s arrest in mid-2007.
Agents discovered the signed saxophone (along with various expensive bottles of wine and champagne) during the execution of a search warrant at Hsu’s Manhattan apartment. The sax and the spirits have been forfeited to the USMS, which is arranging for the auction of Hsu’s former assets. A final forfeiture order describes the instrument as only being “autographed by a former President of the United States.”
As seen in the evidence photos, Bill Clinton autographed and dated the saxophone on the instrument’s bell. One USMS image provides a close-up of the ex-president’s signature and the “10/20/05” date. The saxophone was found in an E.M. Winston carrying case. Clinton has reportedly played an alto sax produced by the Boston-based instrument manufacturer. (6 pages)
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