On TV and in the movies, Kevin James typically plays the schlub. But on tour, the comedian lives large.
According to his 2009 rider, excerpted here, all airline travel by the “King of Queens” star “must be First Class (American Airlines is first choice).” Promoters are also told that once King James lands, he is to be picked up in a “LATE MODEL, BLACK LUXURY LIMOUSINE” and transported to a five-star hotel with a state-of-the-art fitness center. When it comes to two-bedroom suites, “Artists first preference is Ritz Carlton and 2nd preference is Four Seasons,” promoters are informed.
Meanwhile, at the performance venue itself, James (real name: Kevin Knipfing) demands “ONE PRIVATE FIRST CLASS DRESSING ROOM” decorated with two small vanilla-scented candles, and stocked with bottles of red and white wine, a dozen Michelob Ultra Light beers, and a pack of mint sugar-free gum.
James also wants two premium tickets delivered to his dressing room before each gig. These seats--“for Mrs. James”--are to be “on the aisle in the 10th row, or any row as close as possible to the 10th row.” (1 page)
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