The Vamps

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The Vamps

The British group The Vamps--a boy band that actually plays its instruments--today released its new album, “Wake Up,” to the delight of fans of the quartet (each of whom is 21 or younger).

To mark the auspicious occasion, here’s the group’s dressing room rider, which reveals that:

* Bassist Connor Ball, 19, has a “SEVERE NUT ALLERGY.”

* The group actually prefers its assorted sandwiches to come via a “Subway Platter.”

* A tube of Berocca is needed before every concert. The effervescent tablets reportedly support “mental sharpness” and “physical energy.” At least that is what the box claims.

* Most importantly, the band requires promoters to provide a can of TRESemme hairspray. The rider does not stipulate what kind of penalties a promoter would face if they failed to secure this essential component of the group's act.

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