MUG SHOTS: Pretty Perps

Comments (14)

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this one except for the totally f'd up life she is most lilkely living. Come to Butthead.
Somebody pinch my ass?
Why do all these broads think they need to use twenty pounds of eye shadow?"
Just leave her in my custody office. I,ll punish her myself.
Innocent again send her home with a stern warning!!!
Unfortunately was in the car with Tim Lincecum when he was pulled over.
there are $5,000 a night call girls and there are prostitutes. I doubt she is either but if she was one it would be the call girl.
cute to Fark
OH shiat!!! Are they gonna tell my dad?????
Is she up for adoption?
Damn where are the pretty hookers when I need a date?
"Busted" (bad pun) for being a hooker.WOT a surprise. Not ;-)
How do you know she's a hooker or what she was busted for?
experince, my friend, experience.