Freedom Is Yours If The Price Is Right: $1500 Bond
Roundup: Wall-leaners, hair-raisers, browbeaters

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SEPTEMBER 8--The poodle-haired South Carolinian, 39, who leads off this week’s mug shot roundup was busted Tuesday for shoplifting. As for her fellow suspects, a few notes:
1) The Florida eye shadow fan on page #2 was jailed Thursday on a hold from another county; 2) The Sheldon Cooper fan, 40, on page #3 was collared by Louisiana cops on a probation violation charge; 3) The New Jersey man on page #6 was arrested Saturday for driving with a suspended license (he was also behind the wheel of an uninsured vehicle). $1500 was the right price for his release on bond; 4) The Tennessee woman, 45, covered in cash on page #7 was nabbed for, of course, passing a bad check; 5) The owner of those distinctive eyebrows on page #12 was popped Friday for narcotics possession and trafficking in stolen property; and 6) The bloody (but unbowed) Floridian, 29, on page #14 was collared Thursday for domestic battery and obstructing an officer. (14 pages)