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    The New York man who wrapped his car around a tree while playing “Pokémon Go” is a former Marine who was trying to “catch” Lapras, a blue sea creature, right before the crash Tuesday night.

    Steven Cary, 28, suffered a broken ankle and leg lacerations when he slammed into the tree while driving alone near a lake in Auburn, an upstate city about 25 miles west of Syracuse.

    Cary (left) and Lapras are pictured above.

    Cops report that Cary admitted to “actively playing the ‘Pokémon Go’ game while driving causing him to become distracted and run off the roadway into a tree.” He is expected to be cited in connection with the one-car crash.

    According to family members, Cary spotted the Lapras Pokémon and became briefly distracted, allowing the vehicle to careen off the roadway and into the tree. In an e-mail, Cary’s mother said that her son was “injured and extremely tired right now,” adding that, “my son is a former marine who is trying to be a firefighter and EMT.”

    The Lapras Pokémon has a shell on its back and is “most known for its fondness of moving people and Pokémon across bodies of water,” according to Wikipedia. The large sea creature is reportedly averse to fighting, which makes them “an easy target for hunters.” Whatever that means.

    Cary was driving his younger brother Zachary’s 1996 Honda Accord, which (as seen below) is now totaled. Cary’s sibling has launched a crowd funding campaign to raise $3000 to purchase a replacement vehicle. Launched last night, the effort has so far raised $215.

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    Considering a career in the exciting field of correctional services?

    Yes, the pay stinks, working conditions are often terrible, and you are surrounded by criminals, both accused and convicted.

    But where else can you meet characters like Lens Toussaint?

    The 24-year-old product of Haiti (seen at right) is a convicted felon who is locked up in a Florida jailed awaiting trial on charges stemming from a January 2014 shootout with a fellow urban pistolero.

    Toussaint was in his cell Thursday morning when “Dep. Acevedo” opened the food hatch so a nurse could provide the inmate with medication. When the hatch opened, Toussaint threw a cup of urine at his visitors. The liquid “went into both of Dep. Acevedo’s eyes, up his nose and down his throat,” according to a probable cause affidavit.

    “How do you like the taste of my dick?” asked Toussaint, who had previously told Acevedo that he planned on sexually assaulting the Manatee County jailer’s wife and daughters.

    For his urine toss, Toussaint was charged with battery on a law enforcement officer, a felony. It is the latest entry on his rap sheet, which includes a conviction for breaking an iPhone over the head of his girlfriend. Toussaint repeatedly struck the victim with the phone after she sought to break up with the 6' 1", 200-pound cockroach.

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    The night before Micah X. Johnson ambushed police in Dallas, his younger sister posted a Facebook message deriding white cops as murderers and declaring that, “I for one think these cops need to get a taste of the life we now fear.”

    As seen above, Nicole Johnson’s post noted that, “White ppl have and will continue to kill us off.”

    Shortly before Johnson posted her message Wednesday evening, she uploaded a New York Times video that included footage of the struggle that ended Tuesday night with the death of Alton Sterling, who was shot to death by Baton Rouge cops.

    In a caption accompanying the video, Johnson wrote, “Makes me so mad.” She then asked, “When we decide we had enough n fight back.”

    Earlier this afternoon, Johnson wrote that she was “shutting down my Facebook as the news is stealing my private words, photos and harassing my friends. When its safe i will hop back on here.” Her page, however, remains online. [Update: Johnson’s Facebook page was deleted around 5 PM EST.]

    Johnson and her brother are seen in the below Facebook photo.

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    A popular rapper today identified the wrong man as one of the two Louisiana cops being investigated in connection with the shooting death of Alton Sterling.

    In a post this morning to his Instagram page--which has 9.5 million followers--Meek Mill (real name: Robert Williams) posted two photos of Robert J. Kinnison as well as a screen grab of a portion of Kinnison’s Twitter page containing his name.

    Above the images, a caption declared “the officer that shot #AltonSterling but the media won’t show you these pictures of him.”

    Except that Kinnison is not a cop. He describes himself as a trucker from Arizona. Police have named Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake as the officers involved in Tuesday night’s shooting of Sterling, 37, outside a Baton Rouge convenience store.

    Meek Mill (seen at right) appears to have further disseminated images that were either first published to Twitter or Instagram. One of the photos shows Kinnison, 33, holding a Glock handgun, while his Twitter page includes a picture of Donald Trump and the Republican candidate’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

    The entertainer’s post, which remains online, has received more than 56,000 likes, though some commenters have pointed out that the rapper has identified the wrong person. In a caption accompanying the images, Meek Mill wrote, “I guess this not a thug..... If I say what I really wanted to say I would prolly b arrested!”

    In a video posted online, Kinnison said that he has received “lots of death threats” due to his being identified as one of the Baton Rouge police officers. “I want everyone to know that I’m not a cop from Louisiana. I am a trucker from Arizona. Get that straight,” said Kinnison. He added, “Someone has majorly trolled me on the Internet.” According to his Twitter page, Kinnison is a “Christian, Conservative, gun rights activist.” His bio also includes the hashtags “#DONALDTRUMP2016” and “#NRA.”

    Williams, 29, is best known for dating fellow rapper Nicki Minaj and getting scorched during a feud last year with the singer Drake.

    Following the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin, director Spike Lee sent out a Twitter message including what he said was the home address of gunman George Zimmerman. But the address Lee tweeted to his 240,000 followers was actually the residence of an elderly Florida couple with no connection to Zimmerman or the shooting case.

    Realizing his mistake, Lee quickly apologized to the couple--who had received numerous death threats--and paid them $10,000 as part of a settlement agreement.    

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    Meet Brad Beard and Samantha Canipe.

    The young couple was arrested early yesterday for attacking each other with pizza rolls inside their North Carolina residence, according to police.

    Summoned to the Gastonia apartment around 1 AM, cops reported that Beard, 24, and Canipe, 21, had “assaulted each other by throwing pizza rolls at each other.” A Gastonia Police Department report does not reveal whether the bite-size delicacies were hot or cold (or whether anyone was injured during the fracas).

    The motive for the mutual domestic combat is also not addressed in the police report.

    Charged with simple assault, a misdemeanor, Beard and Canipe were each released from jail Monday afternoon on $2500 unsecured bond.

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    In a case tinged with prevention and regret, a South Carolina woman was arrested yesterday for stealing condoms and a pregnancy test from a store where she recently worked.

    According to police, Hannah Trent, 18, took the items Wednesday from an Ingles supermarket. An employee told police that surveillance cameras recorded Trent shoplifting “two packs of Trojan condoms and a pregnancy test.”

    Packaging for the items--valued at $31.21--was later found in the women’s restroom.

    When Trent returned to the store yesterday afternoon to collect her final paycheck, she reportedly copped to the theft when questioned by a store manager.

    Trent, seen above, was arrested for theft and booked into the Spartanburg County jail, from which she was released around midnight.

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    After her repeated demands to have sex were rebuffed, a Florida woman grabbed a hatchet and began beating on the locked door of the bathroom where her beau had sought refuge, police report.

    According to police, Leslie Mills, 26, returned home early Thursday after a drinking binge and began badgering the victim to “engage in sexual activity with her.” The man--who said he was awoken by the persistent Mills--told cops that he moved from the Ocala home’s bedroom to the couch in a bid to escape her.

    However, Mills followed him to the living room, where she climbed atop the victim, “still asking for him to have sex with her,” according to an Ocala Police Department report. After again declining to have sex, the man went into the bathroom and locked the door.

    Mills responded, police report, by pounding on the door, which she then successfully pushed open. Upon Mills entering the bathroom, the victim noticed that she was carrying a hatchet that had been removed from a living room wall. The man said that he wrestled the hatchet from Mills’s hands after she raised the weapon and "appeared to be preparing to strike him."

    The victim, who said he had broken up with Mills earlier in the evening, then fled the residence and called 911.

    Responding officers noted that Mills, who appeared drunk, was “dressed in just a bathrobe” when they encountered her outside the home. During questioning, Mills said she had consumed “seven beers and two shots,” adding that she “came home and wanted to have sex with” the victim. After being rebuffed several times, Mills added, she “became angry” when the man went into the bathroom.

    Pictured above, Mills was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a felony, and misdemeanor domestic battery. Free on $5500 bond, she is scheduled for a July 26 court hearing.

    In a Facebook post following the arrest of Mills, the victim wrote, “well back to needing a roommate.”

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    Memo to Dominique Flower: Do not ask a question about your penis if you are not prepared to handle the answer.

    Flower, 30, was arrested last week for domestic battery after allegedly striking his wife in the face inside the couple’s St. Petersburg, Florida residence.

    According to a criminal complaint, Flower, seen at right, got mad at his spouse after he “asked her if he had a larger male part than her previous boyfriends.” While the complaint does not disclose the victim’s answer to that query, it seems likely the word “no” figured prominently in her response.

    Police charge that the 6' 2", 220-pound Flower “did strike the victim in the face causing visible swelling to her left eye.”

    Flower was released on his own recognizance after being booked into the county jail on the misdemeanor charge.

    Flower’s rap sheet includes multiple arrests for marijuana possession, as well as collars for domestic battery, driving with a suspended or revoked license, and failure to appear in court.

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    “Go fucking cook my burrito, bitch!”

    On Saturday, an aggrieved Donald Trump supporter delivered that line--which seemed to have originally been written for Jesse Pinkman--and other rhetorical gems while screaming at individuals gathered on a Phoenix street corner to protest the multimillionaire’s appearance at the nearby Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

    In a video shot by journalist Eric Rosenwald, the Trump backer is seen telling protesters, “I fucked your whole fucking family with my big cock.” He then moved on to domestic policy matters, announcing that he was a “proud fucking American, made in USA, bitch.”

    [NOTE: Rosenwald’s video, seen above, is filled with similar NSFW language.]

    After referring to the preparation of his burrito, the muscled rage machine then demanded that Trump detractors “Go fucking make my tortilla, motherfuckers. And build that fucking wall. For me! Trump! I love Trump!”

    Before taking his leave, the man noted, “I’ll fuck, like, at least 10 of you up in one fucking sitting, you fucking pussy. You’re lucky all these cops are here.”

    So who is this street corner surrogate, a guy who deserves the kind of cable TV time now being hogged by low-energy Trump surrogates like Andy Dean and Kayleigh McEnany?

    Meet Zackary Fisher.

    The 31-year-old Fisher lives in Mesa, a city 20 miles outside Phoenix, and works as a lab technician for Fikes Brace & Limb, a firm owned by his stepfather. The company, which fabricates prosthetics and orthotics, also employs Fisher’s mother and brother. [Update: While the business this morning scrubbed its web site to remove Fisher’s name, a screenshot of the original "Staff" page can be found here.]

    When not loudly lecturing others about tortillas, burritos, and the size of his penis, Fisher enjoys working out at LA Fitness, hiking, and spending time with his pit bull. He owns a red Ford Mustang SVT Cobra with vanity plates (“KEPH8N”) and an assortment of weapons. Fisher has also fought in MMA matches, but it appears his career in the cage was derailed by injury.

    In a pair of recent Instagram videos, Fisher is seen firing his AR-15 rifle into some Arizona brush and aiming at targets with his Glock handgun.

    Fisher is also proud of his grueling workout regimen and the numerous tattoos adorning his chiseled physique. Along with tribal ink decorations, Fisher has a representation of the Arizona state flag on his back and the words “Never Trust A Bitch” on his side. While not visible until he lifts his arm, Fisher also has the number 43 tattooed beneath his left armpit. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the number “is used by members of the racist skinhead group Supreme White Alliance.”

    [A Fisher acquaintance contends that the “43” tattoo is a tribute to a longtime friend, Elijah “Dough Boy” Schmidt, who died last year at age 35. Schmidt was serving an eight-year prison sentence for narcotics trafficking at the time of his September 2015 death. The number reportedly was assigned to Schmidt, a fellow MMA devotee, at the gym where he trained with Fisher.]

    Before tangling with the protesters, Fisher was ecstatic when he ran into Paul Griffin, an acquaintance and fellow Trump supporter. Fisher bro hugged Griffin and appeared elated that his friend had decided to wear a “FUCK ISLAM!” t-shirt to the Trump event (Griffin was escorted from the rally after refusing security’s request to turn his shirt inside out). Fisher proudly showed Griffin his “Make America Great” campaign sign, noting that, “I got fucking Donald’s autograph.”

    Though Fisher has made his Instagram account private, his Facebook page remains online. However, he has made a couple of revisions in the last several hours.

    After posting Rosenwald’s video of him screaming, Fisher deleted the clip. He also removed a post (seen below) defending his actions. “DO NOT BRING YOUR MEXICAN FLAGS TO AMERICAN RALLYS when there is not a single Mexican running for president,” Fisher wrote. “THIS IS AMERICA HERE not Mexico! If you’re not PROUD of this flag GO back to MEXICO.”

    Court records show that Fisher’s rap sheet includes a 2004 marijuana possession charge, which was dismissed after he successfully completed a diversion program. He posed for the below mug shot, which was snapped back in the days before he was introduced to tattoos and creatine shakes.

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    Orlando gunman Omar Mateen was fired from his position as a Florida Department of Corrections trainee after asking a fellow recruit if he would tell anyone “if he was to bring a gun to school,” according to state records.

    In moving to terminate Mateen in late-April 2007, the warden of the Martin Correctional Institute wrote that, “In light of recent tragic events at Virginia Tech, Officer Mateen’s inquiry about bringing a weapon to class is at best extremely disturbing.”

    On April 16, 2007, a gunman shot and killed 32 people on the Virginia Tech campus. Until Mateen murdered 49 individuals at the Pulse nightclub, the Virginia Tech massacre was the country’s deadliest mass shooting.

    In addition to Mateen’s question about bringing a gun to class, he was also cited for sleeping in class and at a firearms range and leaving class without permission.

    Documents relating to Mateen’s dismissal from the Florida Corrections Academy after six months as a recruit were released late this afternoon by state corrections officials.

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    A man already facing an indecent exposure charge allegedly pulled his pants down to his ankles and burst into an Arkansas courtroom, where he announced to the judge and others present that, “Court is back in session!”

    As detailed in a Jonesboro Police Department report, Derrick Thomas, 18, was hit with several new charges following the bizarre incident Wednesday morning in District Court.

    Thomas, seen above, has been in custody since his arrest last month for lying naked on a Jonesboro sidewalk.

    Thomas was in court Wednesday on that charge when an officer allowed him to get a drink from a bathroom sink adjacent to a set of holding cells. As Officer Jamie Seaborn was dealing with another inmate, Thomas emerged from the bathroom and “pulled his pants down around his ankles and took his shirt off.”

    The teen then ran into the courtroom, where Judge Keith Blackman was on the bench. Thomas proceeded to hold up his hands and yelled, "Court is back in session!" Blackman, the report notes, “had to stop court and everyone was looking at” the naked defendant.

    Thomas was corralled by police and brought back to the holding cells, where he laughed and told another inmate, “I told you that I would do it.” Seaborn reported that Thomas also remarked that, “They will put on his tomb stone that he was the one that was naked in the courtroom.”

    Thomas was subsequently returned to the Craighead County jail, where his docket now includes new charges for indecent exposure, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental operations.

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    An Iowa man threatened to “shoot up” a Domino’s restaurant in retaliation for workers botching his pizza order, police allege.

    Dusten Kemp, 30, is locked up on $8500 bond following his arrest last night on harassment and assault charges.

    According to cops, Kemp placed a delivery order Tuesday evening and subsequently complained that what he received “was wrong.” When Kemp phoned in an order late last night, workers agreed to send him two free pizzas as a make-good.

    When a Domino’s employee arrived at Kemp’s home in Coralville, an Iowa City suburb, he was “drunk and took his clothes off.” Kemp, seen above, grabbed the worker’s arm and “made several threats about them messing up his order,” according to a court filing.

    Kemp, police charge, then warned that he was going to “come down to Domino’s” and “shoot up the place with a .45.”

    During police questioning Kemp denied making threats against Domino’s, though he admitted that a delivery driver had been at his residence.

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    A neighbor’s surveillance camera captured an Arizona woman driving straight into her bicycle-riding boyfriend, a collision that seriously injured the victim and resulted in the woman’s arrest for attempted murder.

    Seen above, the video shows Misty Lee Wilke, 44, slamming into the victim on a Phoenix street. The impact sends the man over the hood of Wilke’s 2012 Ford Mustang.

    [NOTE: Mute the video to avoid the bouncy audio track added by the home surveillance company that released the surveillance clip.]

    Investigators allege that Wilke targeted the victim after learning that he was HIV positive. The April 29 incident left the man with head trauma and a fractured vertebrae.

    Wilke, seen at right, told police that she had “recently become involved in a sexual relationship” with the victim, adding that the couple argued after she learned of the man’s HIV status. “He was laughing at her and Misty admitted to pushing the victim,” according to a probable cause statement.

    Wilke, who has been jailed since her arrest, was indicted last month for attempted murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. As part of the police investigation, cops last month executed a search warrant on Wilke’s vehicle.