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  • A former military policeman is facing a federal narcotics rap after he allegedly sought to smuggle several pounds of methamphetamine to Japan in the form of 45 Snickers bars.

    Rogelio Harris, 34, was arrested Friday afternoon at Los Angeles International Airport after federal agents discovered the narcotics in his suitcase during a “border search,” according to a felony criminal complaint. Traveling alone, Harris was headed to Tokyo on a Delta Airlines flight (and scheduled to return to L.A. three days later).

    One of the seized Snickers bars is pictured in the above U.S. Customs and Border Protection evidence photo (click to enlarge).

    Federal agents found the meth-filled candy bars inside a “box with a design printed on the outside suggesting that it contained Snickers candy bars.” When investigators unwrapped one of Snickers bars, they determined that the meth “was actually wrapped inside clear cellophane, which was itself coated in a chocolate-like substance so as to make the contents of the package appear to be a real candy bar.”

    There was no tasty nougat, caramel, or peanuts to be found anywhere.

    During questioning, Harris told agents that he last year received an “other than honorable discharge” from the Navy after testing positive for marijuana use. He claimed to be “traveling to Japan to visit his girlfriend, who lived in Hong Kong,” according to the felony complaint. When an investigator explained that Hong Kong and Japan were separate countries, Harris replied, “They are?”

    Though he was bounced from the military, Harris was carrying an “Official Passport” with an endorsement reading, “The bearer is abroad on an official assignment for the United States Government.” Before requesting a lawyer, Harris admitted to agents that he “was not traveling to Japan on official orders.”

    Harris is being held in L.A.’s Metropolitan Detention Center.

  • The Georgia duo charged with allegedly hatching an extortion plot targeting Mark Jackson has entered not guilty pleas to a federal indictment accusing them of threatening to distribute naked photos of the NBA coach if he did not deliver a six-figure hush money payoff.

    During an appearance last Thursday in U.S. District Court in Oakland, California, Alexis Adams, 28 and Marcus Shaw, 40, entered pleas before a federal magistrate, who set a trial date of September 27.

    Adams and Shaw are pictured above in United States Marshals Service mug shots (click to enlarge) snapped following their arrest last month.

    According to an FBI affidavit, Jackson sent explicit photos to Adams several years ago during the course of an extramarital affair. At the time, Adams worked as a stripper at a New York gentleman’s club, and Jackson was employed as a TV announcer for the New Jersey Nets.

    Investigators allege that Shaw, working with Adams, recently approached Jackson with the naked photos and some voice mail messages. While Jackson initially paid Shaw $5000 to squelch the publication of the incriminating material, the Golden State Warriors coach called the FBI when Shaw re-contacted him in search of a second payout approaching $200,000.

  • A South Carolina man who has recorded rap songs under the stage name “PimpStick Quezzy” has been indicted on federal criminal charges for allegedly recruiting an underage girl into his escort operation and then pimping her out and securing a job for the teen in a strip club.

    George McLeod III, 29, was named in a six-count indictment filed in U.S. District Court in Columbia. McLeod, arrested last week by FBI agents, is scheduled for a detention hearing tomorrow.

    Prosecutors allege that McLeod last year met the victim online, and later provided her with a bus ticket from her home in Montana to South Carolina. The girl subsequently turned tricks arranged by McLeod and two associates. McLeod advertised the girl’s services on backpage.com after taking photos of her “in various stages of undress.” McLeod and his codefendants also allegedly gave the girl--who was born in 1995--phony ID to “gain employment as a stripper” in a Columbia club.

    McLeod, pictured above, has recorded an assortment of rap songs that refer to pimping, including “The Grand Intro,” which reports that prostitutes working for “Quezzy” (pronounced “queasy”) “stay clean.” He adds that, “I make sure every one of my hos get $30 apiece every two months.” A YouTube video of the song is below.

    On his “@PimpQuezzy” Twitter page, McLeod has recently chronicled his travels in a variety of southern cities (Miami, Knoxville, Lexington, Huntsville, Columbia). In a June 17 tweet, he reported, “im in dallas tx. promoting this pimpin!”

  • A Tennessee man who this week confessed his role in the robbery of a Domino’s delivery man told cops that he served as a lookout man in return for three slices of pizza, according to court records.

    During questioning Monday by Memphis Police Department officers, Tony Hamer, 19, admitted that he was “present during the planning” of the July 10 robbery, which was carried out by a cohort.

    Domino’s worker Jose Reyes told police that he was delivering a pizza around 9 PM when he was approached by two men, one of whom threatened to shoot Reyes if he did not “give him the money and pizza.” Reyes said he handed over $20, his HTC cell phone, and the pizza.

    Hamer, seen in the adjacent mug shot, told investigators that he “participated as a look out and provided protection for the other male during the robbery.” Cops noted, “Hamer received three slices of Pizza for his participation in this robbery.”

    In addition to the July 10 crime, Hamer also admitted to robbing a second pizza delivery person. Along with stealing a $54 pizza order, Hamer and an associate took $35 from victim Erica Northcutt (who was also relieved of her ID).

    A complaint affidavit does not indicate what Hamer’s cut was from the July 20 robbery.

    Hamer is being held in the Shelby County jail in lieu of $35,000 bond on two felony robbery counts. He is next due in court on August 1.

  • A federal jury today convicted New York City politician Larry Seabrook on nine felony charges related to the siphoning of public funds to himself and his relatives. The 61-year-old Bronx Democrat--nicknamed “Cash and Carry Larry”--was immediately booted from his City Council post following the U.S. District Court verdict.

    Seabrook is scheduled to be sentenced in January, when he faces a maximum of 20 years in prison on each corruption count.

    Today’s conviction comes as little surprise in these parts, considering that a TSG reporter--more than 20 years ago--chronicled identical thievery on Seabrook’s part in the pages of The Village Voice. Seabrook, in fact, was such a fan of those old stories that he and his cronies once threw two Voice journalists down a flight of stairs one election night.

    On another occasion, after being approached outside his office by a Voice reporter and photographer, Seabrook declined to answer questions about some municipal thievery (the details of which have been lost to time). However, before the two male journalists drove away, Seabrook offered this pithy advice: “Now don’t you two go and get AIDS.”

    Ah, sweet memories.

    Seabrook is pictured above in a United States Marshals Service mug shot (click to enlarge) snapped following his 2010 arrest by federal agents.

  • While illustrating a story about Vice President Joe Biden’s comments today regarding the Colorado movie theater massacre, the NBC affiliate in Miami made a rather unfortunate photo choice on its web site.

    As seen above (left), the TV station’s original story carried an image of Biden laughing with President Barack Obama while the pair attended a basketball game last week. The headline above the photo read, “Joe Biden Talks About Movie Massacre Victims And Law Enforcement.”

    A revised story (above right) replaced the laughing photo with a video of Biden addressing the National Association of Police Organizations convention in Palm Beach. Biden told conference attendees that they understand “better than anyone in this country both the grief the families are feeling and the courage of those undaunted heroes in that movie theater.”

  • With a drunken suspect bleeding from a forehead gash, quick-thinking Wisconsin cops “utilized a Feminine Napkin” to stanch the wound as they waited for emergency service workers to arrive and properly bandage the perp, according to a sheriff’s report.

    Eli Cousineau, 33, was busted Sunday night after allegedly getting intoxicated and causing a disturbance at a Union Grove apartment building. As two Racine County Sheriff’s Department deputies sought to handcuff Cousineau, he stumbled and struck his head on a metal door frame.

    After the bloody Cousineau was placed in her cruiser, Deputy Stacy Grobe reported that her male partner “utilized a Feminine Napkin to attempt to control the bleeding to Cousineau’s forehead.” The report does not indicate how Grobe’s partner sourced the sanitary device.

    Pictured at left, Cousineau was eventually transported to a Racine hospital, where he received five stitches above his left eyebrow. He has been charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct.

  • Along with a variety of standard demands like first-class airfare and hotels, limo service, and delicious Smartwater, the comedian Daniel Tosh’s tour rider contains one unique provision.

    When he does college appearances, the 37-year-old star of Comedy Central’s “Tosh.0” likes to do some assigned reading.

    As seen in this rider excerpt, the comedian’s representatives note that, “For college dates, please provide a book you think Daniel might like to read.”

    In light of the performer’s recent rape joke controversy, perhaps some mischievous program board members will now consider shelling out for Tosh reading material like this, this, or this. The University of Central Florida graduate will surely get the joke.

    It is unclear, however, when Tosh will next be doing a campus show. His current tour itinerary only lists appearances at The Mirage hotel in Las Vegas, and August gigs at two large California venues.

  • Administrators with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority would like to remind Boston subway riders that it is not prudent to try and ride up a station escalator while seated in your motorized scooter.

    To drive this point home, MBTA brass released the above surveillance video showing a female commuter tumbling over as she sought to exit a Red Line platform Friday.

    The unidentified woman was able to walk away without injury.

  • Meet Eric Butkiewicz.

    Why, yes, the 31-year-old Floridian was arrested in the wee hours of July 5, presumably after celebrating Independence Day at the Miami Beach club where he was collared.

    According to an arrest report, a security guard reported receiving a complaint that Butkiewicz was selling “narcotic pills” inside LIV, a nightspot inside the Fontainebleau hotel. Butkiewicz subsequently consented to a police search and was arrested when a cop found 13 Xanax pills in his shirt pocket.

    Charged with felony possession of a controlled substance, Butkiewicz was booked into the Miami-Dade jail, where he posed for the above booking photo (click to enlarge), which was first discovered by Miami New Times.

    Free on $5000 bond, the patriotic defendant is scheduled for an August 3 court hearing.

    Florida, Mug Shot
  • 7/12 UPDATE: Smedley was sentenced this afternoon to three years in prison and fined $25,000

    The Georgia woman who has pleaded guilty to administering silicone injections to a large female clientele banked $1.3 million from her illegal nationwide practice, according to a “conservative” estimate prepared by federal prosecutors in advance of her sentencing tomorrow on a felony conspiracy charge.

    Investigators contend that Kimberly Smedley, 46, showed a reckless disregard for the safety of women seeking enhanced hips and buttocks by injecting a staggering amount of non-medical grade silicone between 2003 and 2011 (when she was arrested by federal agents).

    Pictured at right, Smedley injected her clients--usually in hotel rooms--with a substance intended for “metal or plastic lubrication, and as an additive for paint, furniture, and automotive polishes,” according to a sentencing memo filed by prosecutors in U.S. District Court in Baltimore, Maryland.

    As a result, these women “are prone to infection as a result of the toxic substance” injected by Smedley, noted prosecutors, who added that, “Even if there is not an adverse effect right away, medical problems will almost certainly arise at some point in the future.” 

    Smedley, who charged hundreds of clients between $500 and $1600 per injection, ordered nearly 5000 pounds of silicone from one manufacturer alone, an amount that prosecutors termed “staggering.” A forensic accountant’s review of Smedley’s bank accounts identified $1.315 million in gross receipts tied to her silicone operation, though the “actual number is likely appreciably higher,” according to the government filing.

    Prosecutors want Judge Catherine Blake to sentence Smedley to 42 months in prison to be followed by three years probation. They also want Smedley to be fined $250,000. Smedley’s lawyer has suggested a prison term of one year and one day, along with three years probation and a $5000 fine.

    Smedley’s lucrative business was broken up by federal agents after a client of hers--a stripper from Baltimore--became seriously ill and had to be hospitalized when  silicone injected in her hips and buttocks ended up in her lungs.

  • A Colorado man who allegedly made “repeated attempts” to grab the “wiener” of a federal ranger who had stopped him for operating an unregistered ATV is now locked up and facing a stiff prison term.

    While on patrol Friday afternoon, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) rangers spotted three unregistered ATVs driving along the Alpine Loop Backcountry Byway, a narrow, winding mountain road in San Juan County.

    According to a court affidavit, rangers Logan Briscoe and Tyler Fouss decided to “cut the group a break” and issue a single violation. When they asked who was resposible for the unregistered ATVs, up stepped Jeffrey Brondum. The 28-year-old, who was driving a red Honda ATV carrying his wife and three-year-old son, is pictured at right in a Facebook photo.

    Brondum quickly went from compliant to “directly defiant” when the rangers prepared to issue the violation, according to investigators. When it appeared that Brondum was set to drive off, the rangers struggled to get him off the ATV. During that tussle, Brondum allegedly struck Briscoe in the head.

    After being handcuffed at Taser-point, Brondum “made repeated attempts at grabbing my ‘wiener’ by reaching towards my groin area,” reported Briscoe, who added that he had to “physically push Brondum’s hand away from my groin area.”

    Brondum then told the rangers, “I will give both of you an invitation to come visit me in my cell. At the same time. I will fuck your world up. Especially for you, I have a hard on for you, big boy.” The latter comment was apparently directed at Briscoe, who reported that Brondum made another attempt to “reach for my groin” while saying “Just a little touch.”

    Brondum was named yesterday in a criminal complaint accusing him of assaulting a federal officer, a felony carrying a prison term of up to eight years (and a maximum $250,000 fine). Locked up since Friday, Brondum is scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court in Denver tomorrow for a detention hearing.

    In a Facebook post today, Brondum’s wife contended that her family was “assaulted” by BLM rangers. “We all need to make a stand and let the world know that our country was founded on equal rights and just because you have a uniform on dies [sic] not make it ok to brutalize others,” Teran Brondum wrote. “A revolution is coming!!”