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  • A federal judge yesterday essentially gave conservative provocateur/probationer James O’Keefe permission to crash this weekend’s Netroots Nation convention, a gathering of the kind of political progressives that O’Keefe delights in skewering.

    Since O’Keefe needs judicial approval to travel outside New Jersey (due to his federal conviction for last year’s harebrained scheme targeting Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu), yesterday he filed a U.S. District Court motion seeking permission to spend this weekend in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    O’Keefe’s motion, an excerpt of which can be seen here, reported that he planned to attend the June 17-19 RightOnline Conference, which he described as a conservative gathering featuring Republican presidential hopefuls like Tim Pawlenty, Michelle Bachmann, and Herman Cain, and commentators like Andrew Breitbart, Michelle Malkin, and Erick Erickson.

    “While in Minneapolis,” O’Keefe’s motion noted, he “plans to attend the Netroots Nation Annual Convention.” The gathering, he reported, “amplifies progressive voices by providing an online and in-person campus for exchanging ideas and learning how to be more effective in using technology to influence the public debate.” Speakers, O’Keefe added, included a Media Matters executive, a global warming scientist, and a pair of liberal congressmen.

    O’Keefe did not bother to mention that he has not been invited--nor is he welcome--at the Netroots Nation convention. His travel motion was approved by Magistrate Judge Daniel E. Knowles, who has handled O'Keefe's case in New Orleans federal court.

    Breitbart, O’Keefe’s patron, today crashed the Netroots conference and caused a commotion as he was surrounded by angry progressive activists. “Bedlam ensued,” reported The Wall Street Journal. O’Keefe apparently plans a similar stunt--unless, of course, he rummages through his costume trunk for an outfit that would help shroud his identity.

  • In apparent anticipation of a legal fight over control of Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” the creators of the YouTube hit filed to copyright the video, records show.

    Christopher Lowe and Ian Hotchkiss, whose Los Angeles-based Suite 7 Productions company was hired to make Black’s video, registered the work with the United State Copyright Office on March 23, about 10 days after the song started to become a (much-derided) Internet sensation.

    “Friday” was removed yesterday from YouTube and replaced with the message, “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Rebecca Black.” Besides the Lowe-Hotchkiss filing, a review of online records turns up no other attempts to register a “Friday” copyright.

    Lowe and Hotchkiss, both 25, contend that their copyright claim is based on their joint authorship of “all video material and creative concepts related to the video.” The duo was hired to make the music video by Ark Music Factory’s Patrice Wilson, who wrote the lyrics for “Friday.”

    However, in a TSG interview last month, Lowe noted that his firm never signed a contract with Ark, Black, or the teenage singer’s mother. While noting that “the video played a big part in the success” of “Friday,” Lowe declined to say whether he and Hotchkiss earned money beyond what they were initially paid by Ark.

    Lowe said that he and Hotchkiss solely created the “Friday” script, and later filmed and edited the video.

    While the Lowe/Hotchkiss copyright filing references “all other cinematographic material, additional new footage,” Lowe laughed when asked if any outtakes, bloopers, or behind-the-scenes material could be knit into a “Making of” video. “I don’t think that’s going to happen," he said.

  • Who can forget how the Bollywood hip-hop scene was shaken by Kapur’s shooting at a Delhi recording studio?

  • Here are the United States Marshals Service mug shots of John Edwards.

    The images (click to enlarge) were snapped when the former U.S. Senator appeared at a Winston-Salem, North Carolina courthouse following his June 3 indictment.

    Edwards, 58, pleaded not guilty to six felony charges related to his alleged role in a campaign finance scheme to cover up his affair with Rielle Hunter, who gave birth to Edwards’s daughter in February 2008.

    The Edwards booking photo now hangs in a rogues gallery that includes fellow politicians like Ted Stevens, Rod Blagojevich, Larry Craig, Dan Rostenkowski, Tom DeLay, James Traficant, and Jesse Jackson.

  • That vicious/racist new web video attacking a Democratic congressional candidate in California marks the long-awaited debut in political attack ads of Vincent “Chin” Gigante, Carlo Gambino, Lucky Luciano, and a variety of other Mafia figures and notorious criminals.

    The video targeting Janice Hahn (who is running to succeed Representative Jane Harman) was produced by Ladd Ehlinger Jr. for the Turn Right USA PAC. Titled “Give Us Your Cash, Bitch,” it features two rappers, booty shaking, a photo of George Soros as Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies, and images of assorted Latino gang members.

    Repeated viewings of Ehlinger’s 1:29 epic also reveal that he has included photos (usually mug shots) of an assortment of hoodlums to apparently emphasize the gangster/gangsta tendencies of Hahn, a 59-year-old grandmother. Gigante, the late boss of the Genovese crime family, is seen above (bottom right) in a screen grab from the video.

    In addition to Gigante, Gambino, and Luciano, other wiseguys in the clip are Al Capone; Meyer Lansky; Bugsy Siegel; Abe Reles; ex-Bonanno boss Joseph Massino; and Liborio “Barney” Bellomo, the Genovese gang’s reputed street boss. John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, and Bonnie & Clyde also get screen time.

    Others making Ladd’s cut include “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh; Charles Manson; Obama ghostwriter Bill Ayers; “Tokyo Rose”; author/killer Jack Henry Abbott; Fidel Castro; and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Ladd also made sure to include a booking photo of Anthony “Chopper” Garcia, the California gang member who tattooed on his chest a depiction of a murder he had committed.

  • While driving a vehicle filled with drugs and guns, Shawn Smith was simultaneously eating chicken and using a cell phone when he almost plowed into a marked police car while attempting a U-turn around midnight Friday.

    This series of bad choices culminated in the arrest of the 33-year-old Floridian by the Bradenton Police Department. Smith, pictured in the mug shot at right, was collared on a felony cocaine count and a misdemeanor drug paraphernalia rap.

    When Officer Chris Liotti initiated a traffic stop after the near-miss, Smith “advised he was on the cell phone and eating chicken so he was distracted,” according to a probable cause affidavit excerpted here. Smith was freed Sunday from the Manatee County jail after posting $13,500 bond.

    chicken, cocaine
  • The Florida man who “masturbated to the point of ejaculation” during a recent United Airlines flight pleaded guilty Friday to a federal criminal charge, according to court records.

    Kyle Pearce, 25, copped a misdemeanor plea during an appearance in U.S. District Court in Denver, Colorado. He faces a maximum of 90 days in jail, a year of supervised release, and a maximum $5000 fine when sentenced August 19.

    Pearce, pictured at right, was arrested by FBI agents after he made an “obscene and indecent exposure of his person” during a May 19 flight to Denver from Spokane, Washington. According to an FBI affidavit, an 18-year-old woman who was seated next to Pearce told investigators, “I sat next to a man on a plane who was masterbating [sic]. I heard a noise and looked over and saw his penis.”

    The teenager continued, “He ejaculated & got some on the seat. Then he went to the bathroom for a long time.”

    A second passenger, Grayson Miller, corroborated the woman’s account. Miller, 18, recalled, “My friend Zach turned to me and said, ‘That man is masturbating’ and in disbelief, I looked and saw his penis and he was.” In a written statement, Miller added, “I hit him with my book in the arm, which caused him to stop and leave to the bathroom.”

    Pearce remains free on $25,000 unsecured bond. As part of his conditions of release, Magistrate Judge Kathleen Tafoya ordered last month that he undergo “mental health and counseling” treatment.

  • Anthony Weiner’s superhero delusions were not limited to the Las Vegas blackjack dealer to whom he lustily wrote last year about his cape, tights, and search for a “sidekick.”

    In private Twitter messages last month to a Delaware high school student, Weiner told of butting heads with Republican congressional opponents. Describing how he returned fire at his political foes, Weiner told the 17-year-old girl, “I came back strong. Large. In charge. Tights and cape shit.”

    The girl shared Weiner’s tweets with acquaintances and posted his tights/capes quote on her Tumblr blog, along with the notation, “My favorite congressman <3.”

    The teenager’s Tumblr page has since been deleted, and her parents did not respond to TSG messages left at their home.

  • A Ukrainian national today pleaded guilty to placing his hand up the skirt of a flight attendant during a late-April flight from London to New York.

    During a plea hearing this afternoon at U.S. District Court in Brooklyn, Iurii Chumak, 53, admitted groping the female British Airways employee as she bent over to pour coffee for another passenger on the April 28 flight.

    Speaking through a Russian interpreter, Chumak, a Ukraine citizen, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count before Magistrate Joan Azrack.

    Chumak, who suffers from diabetes, said that the incident “happened because my blood sugar was low,” an excuse that Azrack batted away. After first saying, "I touched a stewardess," Chumak continued, “Maybe I touched her private parts.” He then admitted that the molestation was intentional. 

    Chumak, pictured in the above mug shot, grabbed the flight attendant’s “genital area” and “began to run his fingers back and forth,” according to an FBI agent. Chumak, who was traveling with a tour group visiting New York and California, was quickly placed in restraints following the incident and was arrested by federal agents when the aircraft landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

    A fellow passenger told investigators that a belligerent Chumak had been drinking from a bottle of Dewar’s scotch prior to the groping. When questioned by FBI agents, Chumak denied molesting the flight attendant, and claimed that he “was drinking on the airplane, fell asleep, and woke up in restraints.”

    Chumak, whose sentencing date has not been set, remains in custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

  • Reported New York City mayoral wannabe Alec Baldwin changed his “legal residency” from the Big Apple to the Hamptons as part of a tax avoidance scheme.

    That revelation was made by the actor himself in a 1989 chat with Interview magazine.

    Baldwin, who has been registered to vote in the Town of East Hampton since 1991, told Interview that he had changed his legal residency to Amagansett specifically because, “I didn't want to pay any New York City income taxes, and not just because I wanted to save the money.” Baldwin added, “I thought, ‘Why should I pay another set of taxes to a government that isn't doing what I want it to do with the money?’”

    The purported Suffolk County resident--who seems to spend most of his time in Gotham--sent a message yesterday to his 2400 Twitter followers noting that, “It's a long way till November of 2013,” when voters will choose Michael Bloomberg’s successor.

    While the 53-year-old performer has not declared his candidacy, strapped voters may embrace Baldwin’s long-held belief that city taxes are too damn high.

    Alec Baldwin
  • The real estate sales listing for Anthony Weiner’s two-bedroom Queens apartment answers the question as to where the disgraced politician was taking photos of himself for future distribution to female online acquaintances.

    The Democrat’s “me and the pussys” photo was taken while he was seated on the couch in the living room of his Forest Hills coop. Weiner’s beefcake shot was taken in the apartment’s second bedroom, which he used as a home office. Had he angled the camera up slightly, his framed Kennedy for President poster would have been visible in the background.

    As seen above (click to enlarge), images of the interior of the apartment Weiner shares with his wife Huma Abedin, who is reportedly pregnant, were included in online advertisments for the 850-square-foot residence, which hit the market last month priced at $449,000.

  • Duran Duran, now in the midst of its 2011 world tour, has a backstage rider with such specific wine requirements that concert promoters may require the services of a sommelier.

    Included in the “Wine and Champagne” section of the band’s “STAR Dressing Room” demands are:

    * “3 bottles of excellent quality Italian red wine - Sassicaia, Solaia or Tignanello - vintages between 89 and 97”

    * “2 bottles of excellent quality white wine - Corton Charlemagne preferred - vintages 1996, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004.”

    * “2 bottles of good quality Champagne - Veuve Clicquot or Bollinger preferred.”

    The group also wants a bottle of “reasonable quality white wine – Chardonnay or local favorite” and a bottle of Patron Silver tequila. “Do not Supply Regular Tequila,” the rider warns promoters.

    Duran Duran