New Partner's Feeds for TSG
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When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras. And when you see "white powder" on counter of Japanese train restroom, think tissue paper, not drugs [Strange]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Federal judge: What? Why shouldn't our Lord Emperor Trump have the right to punish reporters who represent "news organizations" that don't obey his commands? First what? Amendawhat? Speak English, that should be a law [Facepalm]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Was there as sign in the book of Revelations that included parts of children falling from the sky? I can't keep up anymore, going with 'yes' [Creepy]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Psst, wanna see some of the top submissions for the 2025 World Nature Photographer Awards? Of course you do [Spiffy]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Check your End Times Bingo cards for Sheetz invading Philly region, opening store across the street from a Wawa [Murica]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Why are Germans once again embracing the humble potato? As we all know, Germans love David Hasselback [Interesting]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Side effects may include addiction to Candy Crush. If your addiction to Candy Crush lasts more than $215,000, call an attorney [Awkward]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Canadians hope everyone starts imitating Super Troopers right meow [Silly]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
On this day in history, in 1836, the defenders at the Alamo called for help from the basement [Vintage]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
The wealthiest 10% drive over half of the consumer economy. The rest of us are either in the back seat or ziptied in the trunk, economically speaking of course. Probably [Obvious]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Tickets on sale now for Fyre Festival 2: Fyrer Festivaler. Firer Hard With a Vengeance slated for 2026. To be followed by an unrelated M. Night Shayamalan sequel [Stupid]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Not The Onion: Woman Whose Last Name Is "Null" Keeps Running Into Trouble With Computer Systems [Fail]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
We've discovered possibly the only thing that could get a hockey crowd to give a ref a standing ovation, and it's a real shot in the nuts (possible nsfw content on page) [Scary]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
At long last we are getting flying cars with fricking laser beams on their heads. Difficulty: see Fark tag [Florida]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Woman walks into restaurant to use loo and 'leaves with £150 sink stuffed in her bag'. Kitchen sink still in kitchen [Weird]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG