TAGS: misuse of 911
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March 26, 2025
Defendant was angry at his parent, investigators report
March 26, 2019BUSTER: Florida, Lacoochee, misuse of 911
January 15, 2019DOCUMENT: little monsters, misuse of 911, OhioOhio father took girl's device "as punishment"
October 1, 2018BUSTER: Florida, Fort Pierce, misuse of 911, prank, robbery
January 17, 2018DOCUMENT: black widow spider, misuse of 911Floridian busted for misusing emergency system
December 22, 2017DOCUMENT: clams, Florida, misuse of 911, StuartSeafood fan upset clams were "extremely so small"
September 15, 2016BUSTER: clowns, evil clowns, Georgia, misuse of 911
November 9, 2015BUSTER: flakka, misuse of 911, South Carolina
October 16, 2015BUSTER: Iowa, misuse of 911, Olivia Pope, public intoxication, Scandal, University of Iowa
October 6, 2015BUSTER: misuse of 911, public intoxication, South Carolina
October 1, 2015DOCUMENT: Fort Myers, marijuana, misuse of 911Customer said she got shorted in $75 pot purchase
July 22, 2015DOCUMENT: misuse of 911, PennsylvaniaWhen medics arrived, suspect said he felt fine
July 7, 2015BUSTER: Chinese food, misuse of 911, Ohio
March 6, 2015DOCUMENT: cocaine, misuse of 911, OhioOhioan faces misuse of 911, drug charges
April 29, 2014DOCUMENT: domestic disturbance, misuse of 911, OhioMan, 72, reported that teen refuses chores
February 25, 2014DOCUMENT: drunk, misuse of 911Floridian, 58, sought sex after making 911 call