Debut Of The One Frame Animated GIF Mug Shot
Roundup perp appears to pat self for a bust well done

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Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
Mugs: October 3, 2014
OCTOBER 6--The source of the red paint (or marker) on the Nevadan who leads off this week’s mug shot roundup is a mystery. The 40-year-old was busted Sunday for domestic battery. As for her fellow suspects, a few notes:
1) The yelling Oklahoman, 45, on page #4 was jailed Monday for public intoxication and disobeying a red light; 2) The CNN fan, 21, on page #5 was arrested Tuesday for contempt of court and booked into a Mississippi lockup; 3) Nabbed Thursday for grand theft, the Floridian on page #8 displayed her purple passion when posing for her booking photo; 4) Yes, the 37-year-old Louisiana man on page #9 wearing the High Times t-shirt was busted for marijuana possession (as well as possession of a firearm); 5) The Florida man, 51, whose arm tattoo is seen on page #11 may want to revisit priority three considering his arrest Sunday for child abuse; and 6) The 29-year-old Arizonan on page #13 apparently was wearing ski goggles when his face was inked. The 26-year-old was nabbed for trespassing and possession of drug paraphernalia. (14 pages)