Officer, Arrest That Man With The Big Breasts!
Busted men, busted women in mug shot roundup

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August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
August 19, 2011 Mugs
NOTE: This week’s booking photo roundup can be viewed two ways:
I) Click here to page through the photos in old school TSG style. In the upper right corner of each page you’ll find a description of the criminal charge(s) leveled against the suspect.
II) To look at the booking photos in a lightbox, just click the image beneath the “View The Document” arrow at left. When you mouse over the respective photos, the charged crime(s) will appear in a small box.
AUGUST 20--The ample-bosomed arrestee who kicks off this week’s mug shot roundup was busted Wednesday by Chicago cops on a prostitution charge. We only pray that the 68-year-old was buying, not selling. As for our other perps, some notes:
1) The tongue-baring Texan, 23, on page #3 was nabbed Tuesday for public intoxication; 2) Like arrestee #1, the gentleman on page #4 was collared Wednesday in a Chicago prostitution sweep. This suspect, though, apparently was hawking his wares; 3) The beaming Californian, 72, on page #7 was jailed Friday for disorderly conduct and misuse of the 911 system; 4) Arrested in North Carolina Monday for assault on a female, the 32-year-old on page #11 was not hit with an additional count for his choice of baseball teams; and 5) Sadly, we have no further details on what the 40-year-old Oklahoma woman on page #13 did on Thursday to earn an “outraging public decency” count. (14 pages)