It's The TSG Mug Shot Roundup, Baby
Perhaps Dr. Evil's bail should million dollars

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NOTE: This week’s booking photo roundup can be viewed two ways:
I) Click here to page through the photos in old school TSG style. In the upper right corner of each page you’ll find a description of the criminal charge(s) leveled against the suspect.
II) To look at the booking photos in a lightbox, just click the image beneath the “View The Document” arrow at left. When you mouse over the respective photos, the charged crime(s) will appear in a small box.
NOVEMBER 12--This week’s booking photo review begins with a Florida gentleman sporting a modified Krusty the Clown hairdo. The 32-year-old (whose first name is Prince) was busted last Saturday for trespassing in Palm Beach. As for the balance of perps, just a few notes:
1) The 35-year-old woman on page #3 was busted last Sunday in Arizona for driving with a suspended license; 2) The Idahoan, 25, on page #4 was arrested last Friday on a battery rap. Her name is Gidget; and 3) With regard to the alleged sex offender on page #8, perhaps the 36-year-old Pennsylvania man's bail should be set at $1 million. (15 pages)
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