Viggo's Ex In Child Support Bid
'Lord of Rings' star in court fight over teenage son

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JUNE 14--Like the ex of Jim Carrey, actor Viggo Mortensen's former wife has petitioned a Los Angeles judge to order the "Lord of the Rings" star to increase child support payments for the couple's teenage son. According to a Superior Court filing last month (a copy of which you'll find below) Christene Edge contends that she needs more dough to cover the 16-year-old boy's assorted expenses (computers, trips, tutoring, car insurance, parties, etc.). Edge, 48, now works as a teacher/librarian, but is best known as the former lead singer of the seminal L.A. punk band X, which she fronted under the name Exene Cervenka. The couple's 1998 divorce agreement requires Mortensen to pay Edge $3000 monthly in child support (which, when the deal was signed, was actually about $900 less than she was entitled by statutory guidelines). Edge now wants about $18,000 a month from Mortensen, whose career has exploded, earning the 45-year-old star in excess of $3.3 million last year. Edge and Mortensen are scheduled to appear today in Los Angeles Superior Court on her motion for increased support payments. (3 pages)