Three For The Price Of One

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Conger-Rockwell Annulment Complaint

Eddie Belfour Police Report

FBI Report - Nettlesome Nun

Once again, a TSG triple treat:

1) Alas, love does not conquer all. On March 7, poor Darva Conger filed this application to annul her month-old marriage to Rick Rockwell, Darva's "Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?" co-star (the document was filed in Las Vegas's family court).Again, TSG's sick over helping to ruin this holy union. (5 pages)

2) Another day, another athlete in the dock. This time, Dallas Stars goalie Eddie Belfour got popped for a drunken spree at a local hotel, according to this Dallas Police Department report. Seems that "Eddie the Eagle" got rowdy after a scared lady friend refused to enter his room. When cops arrived, they zapped the crazed Canuck with some mace, "which gained the arrestee's compliance." (3 pages)

3) This FBI report raises the sticky question: Can a made guy whack a nettlesome nun? (1 page)