No Justice, No Two-Piece!
Oprah Winfrey responsible as grilled chicken unrest sweeps nation

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MAY 7--Oprah Winfrey has grease on her hands. The KFC giveaway promoted by the talk show host has triggered, in some locales, the Great Chicken Riots of 2009. Swamped by patrons carrying coupons offering them a free meal (two pieces of grilled chicken, two sides, and a biscuit), KFC outlets nationwide have struggled to placate unruly poultry-seeking crowds. In North Carolina, a 911 caller last night summoned Greensboro Police Department officers to a local eatery where 'subjs arguing' and traffic had been 'completely blocked off,' creating a 'hazard,' according to an incident report. And Gothamist even reported that a chicken outage at one New York City KFC triggered a sit-in protest. The class action lawsuit over the coupon (which can be seen here) surely can only be days away. (3 pages)