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MAY 19--It's not easy being followed around the clock by the FBI. Ask Steven Hatfill, the scientist whom federal investigators have described as a "person of interest" in the government probe of the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks. Seems that Hatfill got dinged Saturday in a traffic accident that apparently involved one of the government cars tailing him. According to this Washington, D.C. police report, Hatfill (referred to in the report as "P1," for pedestrian one) told cops that the other driver had been "recording his movements all day" when Hatfill decided to "take a picture back" of the surveillance agent ("D1" for driver one). But when Hatfill pulled over his Dodge Durango on Wisconsin Avenue and walked into the street to snap the trailing car, the vehicle, a green SUV, drove off, running over Hatfill's right foot. Adding insult to injury, cops issued Hatfill--who refused treatment from medics--a ticket for "walking to create hazard." (2 pages)