"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
New Jersey judge dumps defamation claim filed by three 'Hot Chicks'

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"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
"Douchebags" Lawsuit Dismissed
FEBRUARY 10--A New Jersey judge has dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by three women whose photos appeared in the book 'Hot Chicks with Douchebags.'
In an amusing February 6 opinion, Superior Court Judge Menelaos Toskos ruled that author Jay Louis's 2008 book was 'replete with obvious attempts at satirical humor,' and that the inclusion of the women's photographs were 'used for humorous social commentary.' Toskos, who reported that he 'carefully scrutinized' the Simon & Schuster title, pointed to several passages showing that the book was obviously satirical.
'For example,' Toskos wrote, 'how can a person reasonably believe that in 1981 archaeologist Renee Emile Bellaqua uncovered in a cave in Gali Israel a highly controversial Third Century religious scroll suggesting that the 'douchey/hotty' coupling was a troublesome facet in early social religious structures?' The 60-year-old jurist also questioned whether a reasonable person could 'believe that Jean-Paul Sartre stated 'man is condemned to be douchey because once thrown into the world he is responsible for every douchey thing that he does.''
Last October, Yvette Gorzelany, Joanna Obiedzinski, and Paulina Pakos sued over their appearance in the 'Douchebags' book (the women had been photographed in mid-2007 while clubbing at Bliss Lounge in Clifton). As seen here, Obiedzinski (left) and Gorzelany are pictured in Louis's book with a man representing the 'Federbag' subspecies of douchebag. A photo of Pakos is included in a chapter offering men various 'de-douchification' tips. (11 pages)