Cruel Kitten Killers Caught
Cops: Father and son used sledgehammer on neighbor's pet

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SEPTEMBER 9--Meet Michael Tracy Long and his son Michael Jr..
The Florida men are each facing an animal cruelty charge for allegedly killing a neighbor's kitten with a sledgehammer. According to Crestview police, the Longs killed the animal last month and placed the body in a yellow plastic bag before depositing it in a neighboring yard.
It is unclear why the duo, pictured in their mug shots, killed the kitten. Long, 39, and his son, 19, are scheduled for an October 7 court appearance on the felony charges.
While a Crestview Police Department report does not address a motive for the fatal sledgehammer attack, the document quotes the neighbor's mother as saying that she had told her son 'not to go towards that end of the street due to recent problems with the residents in that area.' (3 pages)
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