Arrest Warrants Issued For Overdue Books
Myrtle Beach "offenders" face collar over tardy titles

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JANUARY 24--Police have secured arrest warrants for a dozen South Carolina residents who are suspected of “false pretense/swindle” for failing to return overdue material borrowed from the library in Myrtle Beach.
In a series of incident reports filed last week, the Myrtle Beach Police Department detailed the books and videos that had been checked out and not returned--despite written request from staff at the Chapin Memorial Library. In each report, the library card holder is referred to as “offender."
For example, a 56-year-old man named in one report has not returned seven books (valued at $204), including “Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers.” A 22-year-old woman still has $219 worth of library items, including a VHS copy of “The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland.” And a 24-year-old man still has “Home Alone 2” in his home.
While warrants are issued for the overdue material, suspects are unlikely to get picked up by cops solely for failing to return a board book like “That’s Not My Dinosaur,” which remains in the possession of a 24-year-old man.
But if offenders do come into contact with police, officers “try to refrain from cuffing people” on overdue book charges, according to Lieutenant Doug Furlong. (12 pages)
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