Another Mad Missive From Moussaoui

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Another Mad Missive From Moussaoui

MARCH 21--In his latest jailhouse screed, accused terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui demands that, unless a ranking al-Qaeda official is allowed to testify on his behalf at trial, he must be released from prison and provided a first-class ticket on a 747 jet so that he can depart "your filthy United Sodom & Gomorah States of America." Moussaoui, in a March 4 letter unsealed today by federal Judge Leonie Brinkema, added, "I will be delighted to come back one day to blow myself into your new WTC if ever you rebuild it (I doubt it)." Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, apparently believes that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Osama bin Laden deputy who masterminded the September 11 attacks, can exonerate him from involvement in the deadly plot. While the letter ran four pages, we're only reproducing the last two pages since Moussaoui's scrawl is so hard to read. In fact, here's a TSG transcription of the nutty Moussaoui's latest lunacy:

Brother Mohammed must be at my trial or you must personally book a fly ticket on 747-400, 1st class non smoking, no women. To go out of your filthy United Sodom & Gomorah States of America.

I will be delighted to come back one day to blow myself into your new WTC if ever you rebuild it (I doubt it). (2 pages)

Wonder if Moussaoui ever got that internet connection?