January 23, 2006
Another Fine Mess
A study in mug shot portraiture from the Sunshine State
JANUARY 23--Meet Jennifer Brockett and Leonard Farrington. There is no connection between the two Floridians except that they both a) have been arrested in the past couple of weeks; and b) take a damn nice mug shot. Brockett, 20, was nabbed Saturday in Tampa on a cocaine possession charge. Farrington, 46, was arrested last month in Broward County for 'viol injunction against repeated violence.' While a beaming Farrington showed his pearly whites, Brockett opted for a more taciturn look, one reminiscent of the 'another fine mess' pose of Stan Laurel. (1 page)
February 6, 2025
Creep, 63, is locked up without bail on 21 felony charges