Presenting The 2012 Mug Shots Of The Year
Nick Nolte ribbon awarded to perps in top 20 photos

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Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
Best Mugs of 2012
DECEMBER 27--The mug shot has become ubiquitous in American pop culture, a reality for which TSG shoulders some of the blame.
Sadly, however, that will not stop us from again using our patented booking photo algorithm to sort through tens of thousands of images to bring you our annual Mug Shots of the Year compilation.
This year’s collection of 20 photos is ranked in ascending order, beginning with arrestee #20 (your opinions, of course, may vary).
Honorees receive no trophies, certificates of appreciation, or gift baskets. But they are free to print out the adjacent Nick Nolte blue ribbon and pin it to their respective jumpsuits.
If, for some reason, you’d like to compare this year’s winners with last year’s top perps, click here for the 2011 Mug Shots of the Year. (20 pages)