September 17, 2010
No Second Release For Man Nabbed In Notorious Walmart Incident
Three days after getting collared for a notorious public display of affection at Walmart, a Florida man remains jailed, apparently unable to post the small bond that would secure his freedom.
William Tyler Black, 28, was busted Tuesday afternoon for the now-famous incident involving a Sports Illustrated swimsuit publication, a “Star Wars” lightsaber, and bodily fluid expelled onto the toy aisle’s floor.
Sarasota County jail records show that Black, a substitute teacher who likely won’t see the inside of a classroom anytime soon, is being held in lieu of $2000 bond. A bail bondsman usually requires a defendant to post 10 percent of the bond amount in cash to secure their release.
Black is scheduled for an October 15 Circuit Court arraignment.
February 6, 2025
Creep, 63, is locked up without bail on 21 felony charges
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