
Woman Called 911 To Complain About The "Crappy Service" At A Burger King In Florida

A Florida woman called 911 to complain about the “crappy service” she received at a Burger King, cops report.

Tanya Bonner, 24, was “extremely upset and crying” when she dialed a police emergency operator last month to vent about a reportedly botched order at the fast food restaurant.

Bonner complained that she “got crappy service and they won’t give her money back,” according to a Niceville Police Department report.

A Burger King manager told police that Bonner’s September 22 order was corrected and she was given a full refund. However, Bonner “did not give the manager a chance to explain what she did” before calling police.

Bonner, pictured above, was “advised not to dial 911 for non emergencies.” She was not arrested for misusing the police emergency system.