How times have changed: In the 1980s, Bret Michaels was known as the libidinous frontman of the hair band Poison. Today, his backstage activities mainly revolve around sipping tea and managing his glucose intake.
The most important item in Michaels’s 2010 tour rider, excerpted here, isn’t a brigade of strippers or cases of premium liquor, but rather “6 individual size bottles of 100% orange juice” needed to regulate the diabetic performer’s blood sugar levels.
Other beverages requested for his dressing room include six bottles of cranberry juice, a 12-pack of diet Lipton green tea (“*Citrus ONLY (no other flavors)*”), and a six-pack of sweet tea. Promoters are also directed to supply “1 CLEAN electric tea kettle, in working order, to make hot water for tea should be provided along with assorted teas (caffeine free green tea, earl grey, throat coat, regular Lipton tea bags etc.).” How very rock and roll.
Michaels, concerned about the spelling abilities of production staffers, also makes sure to point out that, “Artist name is Bret Michaels – Please be diligent in all billing, advertising and signage that name is spelled correctly and NOT with two (2) “T’s.”” (2 pages)
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