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Weezer Rider


Weezer, what a bunch of hippies. They care about the environment (“NO STYROFOAM ANYWHERE”). They are vegetarians and eat organic (“Vegetarian type soup or vegetarian chili” is recommended for lunchtime catering). They even have a dressing room dedicated to meditation!

But the flower-powered foursome remains a slave to brand names, according to excerpts from the band's tour rider. They don’t want just any old loaf of bread, but rather ask specifically for “Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Whole Grain Bread.” They have similarly strong preferences for St. Dalfour’s jams (“NO blueberry or black raspberry please”), Newman’s Own hot salsa, Flanigan Farms Nuts ‘N’ Things trail mix (“Any substitute must be a simpler, NON-TROPICAL variety”), and bottles of Ito En Teas’ teas.

As for dark chocolate bars, the group’s tastes are strictly European: “preferably (in order of preference) Teuscher, Vosges (55% cacao or higher, all other brands 70% cacao or higher), or Lindt.” How rich. (5 pages)

Comments (1)

Good for you Weezer! Since when is it a bad thing to care about your health and your carbon footprint - I'm glad they are living a good example - and those are all brands I use too!

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