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August 28, 2024
Cops: Internist, 59, doused ex-office with gallons of vile liquid
January 28, 2019MUG SHOT: T.I.
September 17, 2010DOCUMENT: C-Rod, Cortez Thomas, T.I.Star faces prison for rolling with felon named “C-Rod”
September 3, 2010BUSTER: T.I., Tameka Cottle, TMZ
September 2, 2010BUSTER: T.I.
August 13, 2009Despite denials, records detail Alfamega's informant history
May 26, 2009DOCUMENT: Bureau of Prisons, Lemonheads, Skittles, T.I.Prison amenities won't compare to rapper's perk-filled tour rider
May 12, 2009DOCUMENT: Alfamega, Cedric Zellars, T.I.Rapper Alfamega was sitting in jail when outed as ex-informant
May 5, 2009DOCUMENT: Alfamega, Cedric Zellars, T.I.Rap star's protege once worked as DEA informant, government witness
April 3, 2009Unlike T.I., no sweetheart plea deal for bodyguard-turned-government informant who ensnared rap star in federal firearms prosecution