TAGS: Mexico
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January 17, 2025
Democrat tore Trump sign, flag from Republican's fence
September 12, 2019DOCUMENT: DEA, drug trafficking, fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, Mexico, OhioMexican man used smuggled phone to traffic drugs
November 15, 2016DOCUMENT: Cancun, Elizabeth Ruiz, Los Angeles, Mexico, sex tape, Von MillerVon Miller was filmed during tryst at Cancun villa
November 2, 2016DOCUMENT: drug smuggling, methamphetamine, Mexico, tortillaFeds: Suspect's tortillas packed with meth
November 9, 2015DOCUMENT: california, drug smuggling, methamphetamine, Mexico, San DiegoMeth trafficker was home free, but made costly error
August 18, 2015BUSTER: Cancun, Google, Mexico, Street View, topless
July 3, 2014DOCUMENT: california, cocaine, Department of Homeland Security, drug smuggling, methamphetamine, Mexico, snitches"Get Out of Mexico, Free" card offered to informant
February 7, 2014BUSTER: drones, Jesse Ventura, Mexico
November 1, 2012BUSTER: Arizona, drug smuggling, Mexico
May 23, 2012
July 9, 2010Mexican cops nab street performer for assaulting kin
March 25, 2010DOCUMENT: drug smugglers, marijuana, MexicoCustom shoes worn by mules did not fool border agents