TAGS: David Letterman
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January 31, 2025
Illicit images were discovered on kin's cellphone, police say
December 16, 2009DOCUMENT: David Letterman, extortion, Robert HaldermanAlleged extortionist feared "dangerous" Letterman
October 15, 2009DOCUMENT: David Letterman, extortion, Robert HaldermanDocuments detail alleged blackmail bid against TV star
October 7, 2008DOCUMENT: David Letterman, Jerry Seinfeld, slanderFighting slander case, Jerry Seinfeld points to TV character's antics
February 14, 2008DOCUMENT: anthrax, David Letterman, Jon Stewart, Keith Olbermann, Nancy Pelosi, Sumner RedstoneMan mailed threat letters to 'liberal' targets like Stewart, Pelosi
January 7, 2008DOCUMENT: David Letterman, Jerry Seinfeld, Jessica Seinfeld, plagiarismAuthor files plagiarism, defamation claim against celebrity couple
September 19, 2001DOCUMENT: David Letterman, Late Show, Osama bin Laden, terrorism