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Helpful Hints for Hookers
Helpful Hints for Hookers
Helpful Hints for Hookers
Helpful Hints for Hookers
Helpful Hints for Hookers
Tips for Crackheads
Tips for Crackheads
Tips for Crackheads
Tips for Crackheads
Tips for Crackheads
Tips for Crackheads
The Lowdown on Shooting Up
The Lowdown on Shooting Up
The Lowdown on Shooting Up
The Lowdown on Shooting Up
The Lowdown on Shooting Up
The Lowdown on Shooting Up
Recently, Philadelphia's mayor blew a gasket when he learned that city funds were used to help distribute "Tricks of the Trade," a graphic pamphlet offering health and safety tips to hookers in the City of Brotherly Love. Well, The Smoking Gun's proud to report that the Philly document was actually a reprint of a pamphlet originally produced--and still distributed--here in our hometown, New York City.
Along with the hooker how-to, the Positive Health Project has produced informational handouts for those on the pipe, shooting dope, or just injecting hormones. And, no, the Big Apple-based group doesn't use public funds for its controversial outreach effort. For if they did, you can bet that Rudolph Giuliani, our town's surly mayor, would try to throw somebody--anybody!--in jail for at least 20 years.
Here's a quartet of Project pamphlets straight from NYC's mean streets. Eat your heart out, Rudy:
Helpful Hints for Hookers (4 pages)
Tips for Crackheads (5 pages)
The Lowdown on Shooting Up (5 pages)
Healthy Hormone Habits (3 pages)