If you hadn't figured it out already, this Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, is a real nut. After firing his lawyers, the alleged terrorist has been filing a blizzard of bizarre federal court motions. In his latest pleading--which was unsealed today (7/9)--Moussaoui writes that a "distraught Sept 11 family member" could get a job at the Alexandria, Virginia jail and shoot him. Moussaoui noted that it was "a distinct possibility" that he would meet a "Lee Harvey Oswald end." Since Moussaoui's handwriting leaves something to be desired, we've tried to transcribe the kookiest part of his latest flight from reason:
"Taking account of the viciousness of the tactic employ (no legal assistance, no phone, no information, 24 h light and surveillance.) I expect anything from the US government. Lee Harvey Oswald [?] end is a distinct possibility. Alexandria jail is constantly having new Deputy, it will be easy to claim that a distraught Sept 11 family member gain employment and shoot me. Or they might claim that I committed suicide after all they already have done the ground work by claim that I was mentally unstable, paranoid."
Moussaoui tries to plead guilty.