Another Tampa Teacher-Student Sex Bust
Girl claims 18-month affair with female basketball coach

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NOVEMBER 2--Meet Jaymee Lane Wallace. The Florida math teacher is facing charges that she carried on an 18-month affair with a teenage student she coached at a Tampa high school. According to a police report, an excerpt of which you'll find below, the alleged victim, now 17, gave investigators a detailed (and graphic) account of her alleged involvement with Wallace, who is 28 and married. Wallace, pictured at right in a Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office mug shot, has been charged with lewd and lascivious behavior, a felony that carries a maximum 15-year prison term. The student, whose name police redacted from the report released yesterday, told investigators that the sexual relationship began in early-2003, after she received a note from Wallace saying that she 'found her attractive and wanted to know if she felt the same way.' The note was in an envelope attached to a graded paper that Wallace returned to the girl in math class. The girl told police that they first kissed in Wallace's car 'after a few games of arm wrestling' and subsequently engaged in sexual activity 'more than 50 times' in the teacher's car and her apartment. When questioned by detectives, Wallace described her involvement with the teen as 'much like a mother/daughter or big sister/little sister' relationship, according to the report. The Wallace case marks the second Tampa-area educator to be recently charged with having sex with a student. Debra Lafave, a middle school reading teacher, faces a December trial for lewd behavior with a 14-year-old boy. (6 pages)
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