Thong Thief Nailed Again
Wisconsin panty pilferer hid hot underpants in apartment ceiling

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JULY 8--The notorious Wisconsin thong thief is at it again, according to cops.
Anthony Scholfield, 24, was arrested Wednesday and charged with once again breaking into a home and pilfering panties.
As he did when first arrested in 2003, Scholfield allegedly targeted a residence near the University of Wisconsin campus in Menomonie. He apparently picked his female victim after delivering a pizza to her home on July 1, according to a criminal complaint.
The woman, Kristin Blexrude, discovered the burglary upon returning to her apartment after the Fourth of July weekend, noticing that "her dresser drawer was slightly open." A check inside revealed that three pairs of "very distinctive thong underwear" were missing. After reporting the incident to cops, Blexrude recalled that Scholfield, working for Jeff & Jim's Pizza Place, had delivered food to her (she knew of his prior, highly publicized burglary spree).
Cops got a search warrant for Scholfield's apartment and found Blexrude's three thongs (and 11 other pairs of women's underpants) hidden in the ceiling. But the haul was dwarfed by Scholfield's prior prodigious output.
When his home was raided in 2003, police found 854 thongs stashed throughout the crib, with the unmentionables hidden in shoe boxes, a briefcase, and a Pokemon lunch pail.
After copping a felony plea in December 2003, Scholfield was sentenced to 90 days in jail, placed on probation for three years, and ordered to pay $8,873.04 in restitution. Scholfield is currently jailed in the Dunn County lockup, where the above mug shot was snapped. Along with burglary and criminal damage counts, he has been charged with possession of marijuana and narcotics paraphernalia. (3 pages)