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    Meet Emma Wiley.

    The 19-year-old collegian allegedly bit off the ear of a female cop who was trying to get her into a police cruiser following a brawl early Sunday outside a Massachusetts bar.

    According to a Salem Police Department report, officers responding to a 911 call about a fight in progress found Wiley tangling with another woman as a crowd of more than 100 people milled about.

    Wiley, cops noted, had a fist full of the other combatant’s hair and was trying to throw her foe to the ground. Pictured at right, Wiley was also “screaming uncontrollably.”

    After officers separated the pair and began escorting Wiley to a squad car, the teenager--who studies criminal justice at Salem State University--yelled, “I’ll fucking kill you all. Don’t fucking touch me!”

    As police struggled to get Wiley inside a cruiser, she lunged at the face of Officer Jessica Rondinelli, a rookie cop who has been on the job barely a month. Wiley, cops charge, “grabbed a hold of Officer Rondinelli’s right ear in her teeth and refused to let go.”  Rondinelli yelled, "She has my ear!"

    Wiley released her bite when Rondinelli, 27, gouged her in the eye. “She bit my ear off,” Rondinelli then told fellow officers. The cop’s right ear was bleeding and had a “jagged chunk missing from the top of it,” according to the report.

    As Rondinelli was rushed to a local hospital, Wiley threatened to have “every one of us cops killed,” an investigator noted.

    Officers subsequently found a piece of Rondinelli’s ear in the rear compartment of the car used to transport Wiley to the Salem police station. An officer “quickly put the piece in a plastic bag” and brought it to the hospital where Rondinelli was being treated. But Rondinelli was informed by a doctor that, “due to the risk of infection, the nature in which her ear had been disfigured it was unlikely that attaching bitten off piece was possible and her ear was going to be permanently marred.”

    Wiley, a Marblehead resident, was charged with an assortment of crimes, including mayhem, aggravated assault, assault and battery on a police officer, and making threats to kill.

    The teenager yesterday pleaded not guilty to the charges and was ordered held without bail by a District Court judge. In arguing for Wiley’s detention, a prosecutor stated that Rondinelli had been “forever maimed” by the defendant.

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    Since reader e-mails have demanded news on the accused Georgia goatfucker, here goes...

    The victim, a police spokesman told TSG, was “a white in color female goat.”

    The accused is Freddie Wadsworth, a 65-year-old resident of Douglasville, a city about 35 miles northwest of Atlanta. He is the owner of the white goat.

    According to the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office, two witnesses reported spotting Wadsworth in communion with the goat last Friday morning. The witnesses live in a home across the street from Wadsworth's property.

    Upon spotting the illicit coupling, one of the witnesses called 911 to report that a “male was having intercourse with a goat,” said Sergeant Ashley Henson.

    The incident was initially logged as an indecent exposure call since no police code exists for man-goat interactions.

    Wadsworth was allegedly spotted having sex with the animal on his own property in broad daylight. “He has a lot of goats,” Henson said.

    Seen above, Wadsworth was booked into the county jail on a bestiality charge. Now free on $1300 bond, Wadsworth faces between one and five years in prison if convicted of the felony count.

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    A Georgia man is facing criminal charges after raging at his spouse for making a grilled cheese sandwich too cheesy, cops allege.

    According to an Athens-Clarke County Police Department report, James De Paola, 55, began “shouting and cursing” at his wife Michelle during a confrontation last Wednesday afternoon in the couple’s Athens home.

    The unemployed De Paola became incensed at his 51-year-old spouse due to her “using three slices of cheese in a grilled cheese sandwich.” De Paola told cops that he had told the victim she “could make a grilled cheese sandwich with two pieces of cheese instead of three.”

    De Paola’s wife told police that he was shouting in her face and that his spit hit her in the face. She added that her husband “has a history of violent and abusive behavior” that includes a prior arrest and the issuance of a restraining order.

    During the incident, De Paola’s wife directed the couple’s nine-year-old daughter to dial 911. But De Paola subsequently yanked the phone cord from the wall and slammed the device on the ground. The couple’s 12-year-old daughter then used her mother’s cell phone to summon police.

    Pictured above, De Paola was arrested for obstruction of a 911 call and criminal trespass/damage to property, both misdemeanors.

    The 6’ 2”, 180-pound De Paola spent several days in the county jail before his release early yesterday morning on $2000 bond.

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    In a hate crimes complaint, the U.S. Department of Justice has identified a criminal defendant’s tattoo of the Confederate flag as “indicative of white supremacy,” according to court records.

    Federal prosecutors today announced the filing of criminal charges against a pair of Toldeo, Ohio residents in connection with the beating of Adrian Williams, 46, in mid-May. A U.S. District Court complaint alleges that Charles Butler, 33, and Robert Paschalis, 25, assaulted Williams “because he was black.”

    The hate crimes charges were announced today by Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, and Ohio federal prosecutors.

    In an FBI affidavit supporting the complaint, Agent Ian Moore described Butler as an avowed racist whose Facebook account reveals his “white supremacy.” Agent Moore noted that Butler’s Facebook page includes photos and posts of “Adolph Hitler, burning crosses, Nazi war eagles, Aryan Nationalist Alliance logos, Confederate flags, the Ku Klux Klan, references to President Obama as a monkey, and various white pride symbols.”

    In a section of the complaint titled “Evidence of Racial Animus,” the federal agent also noted that Butler has “numerous tattoos indicative of white supremacy, including the German War Eagle, a portrait of Adolph Hitler, a Swastika and a Confederate flag.”

    Following his arrest by Toledo cops, Butler claimed that the beating victim called him a “cracker” due to “his Confederate flag and the ‘Don’t tread on me’ sticker on his truck,” according to the criminal complaint.

    Williams, identified by the initials “A.W.” in the complaint, suffered an orbital fracture and damage to his right eye during the May 18 attack. In a court filing, Attorney General Loretta Lynch reported that state prosecutors asked their federal counterparts to assume jurisdiction because “it is in the public interest and necessary to secure substantial justice.”

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    Police are investigating a series of Snapchat photos that appear to show a four-year-old Tennessee boy with a marijuana joint in his mouth.

    The photos of the child were posted this week to the Snapchat account of KaPorsha Cross, a Memphis resident and mother of four young children.

    In one photo, Cross’s son can be seen with a joint in his mouth, while another image shows the child holding the joint. In both photos, the boy’s older sister is by his side.

    The Snapchat photos, broadcast last night by WMC, have triggered a police probe. A Memphis Police Department spokesperson told TSG that detectives with the department’s crimes against children unit have opened an investigation.

    Cross (seen at left) did not respond to a Facebook message seeking comment about the images of her son, who turned four this month.

    While Cross’s Facebook page is filled with photos of her smiling brood, cops will likely take note of a July 4 post captioned “My toddlers.” A video uploaded that afternoon shows the boy holding a match and lighting a handful of firecrackers. The child held on to the lit firecrackers so long that they nearly exploded in his hand.

    In a July 3 post, Cross asked her Facebook friends to follow her new Snapchat account (@mzp_andnem).

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    Arizona cops are seeking the public’s help in identifying a thief who fled Walmart on a mobility scooter after pinning a worker to the wall during his escape.

    As seen in the above store surveillance video, the suspect was confronted earlier this month by a female Walmart employee near the Tucson store’s exit as he sought to leave with unpaid items in his scooter’s front basket.

    After some evasive driving, the suspect ran into the Walmart worker, driving her backwards into a large blue bin. As two men came to aid the woman, the suspect drove out of the store on his gray ride.

    According to police, the suspect, who is around 50, is a white male with brown hair and a mustache. The man, who was carrying crutches and wore a red University of Arizona baseball cap, is a suspect in a prior theft at the same Walmart.

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    Today marks the 25th anniversary of Pee-wee Herman’s arrest for exposing himself inside a XXX theater in Florida. So celebrate accordingly.

    Pee-wee--actually Paul Reubens--was collared on July 26, 1991 after an undercover cop spotted him twice exposing himself inside the South Trail Cinema, Sarasota County’s only adult theater.

    According to a Sarasota County Sheriff's Office report, a detective watched as Reubens “exposed penis with left hand” and began to "masterbate" at 8:35 PM (and then again 10 minutes later).

    Seen above, Reubens was arrested on a sexual exposure charge. The star of “Pee-wee's Playhouse,” a graduate of Sarasota High School, was in town visiting his parents.

    Reubens pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor count and was sentenced to community service and ordered to pay a small fine. The professional fallout was more severe: CBS ceased airing his show on Saturday mornings, Pee-wee Herman toys were removed from store shelves, and the comedian became a punch line for countless bad jokes.

    But Reubens was not without his defenders. Members of the public questioned the priorities of Sarasota cops, while some celebrities issued statements in support of Reubens. "Whatever he may have done," Bill Cosby told People magazine, "he hasn't done that to children."

    Seen below, the South Trail Cinema--which was flanked by a Red Lobster and the Dutch Valley family restaurant--was demolished a few years after Reubens’s arrest.

    Over the years, reports have differed as to whether Reubens, 38 at the time, was pleasuring himself during a showing of “Nurse Nancy” or “Catalina Tiger Shark.”

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    Meet Derek Foreman.

    As seen in the adjacent mug shot, Foreman, 30, is nursing a boo-boo he got late Thursday after allegedly head-butting his mother in the face during a confrontation in their residence at the Oak Crest Manufactured Home Community in Largo, Florida.

    The reason for Foreman’s battering of his 55-year-old parent?

    “Def. and Victim had a verbal disagreement because the victim brought home Chick-fil-A and the Def. did not want to eat Chick-fil-A,” a criminal complaint notes.

    Faced with the fast food grub, Foreman “became upset” and head-butted his mother, causing her bottom lip to split, investigators allege. Foreman was arrested for domestic battery, a misdemeanor, and booked into the county jail.

    After a court hearing Friday, Foreman was released from custody and directed to have no contact with his mother. A judge also ordered Foreman to be outfitted with a device that monitors his alcohol intake.

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    Included in the nearly 20,000 Democratic National Committee e-mails posted today by Wikileaks is a recent request from a top party official to “get someone to ask” Bernie Sanders about whether he believes “in a God.”

    Seen below, the May 5 e-mail from Brad Marshall, the DNC’s chief financial officer, was addressed to three fellow staffers, including Amy Dacey, the party’s chief executive officer.

    Writing in advance of the West Virginia (May 10) and Kentucky (May 17) Democratic presidential primaries, Marshall asked, “can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”

    While the e-mail does not mention Sanders by name, it seems obvious that he is the individual whose religious preference was of concern to Marshall.

    In reply to the e-mail, Dacey wrote "AMEN."

    In addition to Dacey, the e-mail was sent to Luis Miranda, the DNC’s communications director, and his deputy, Mark Paustenbach. Marshall appears to be suggesting that the men recruit a reporter to question Sanders about his religious beliefs.

    The Marshall e-mail is the latest leaked document showing DNC staffers appearing to do Hillary Clinton’s bidding while Sanders was still in the race. Party officials are not supposed to favor one Democratic candidate over another during primary contests.

    The e-mails provided to Wikileaks appear to have been among the material lifted from the DNC’s servers by the hacker calling himself “Guccifer 2.0.” In a June 15 e-mail to TSG, the hacker wrote that, “The main part of the [DNC] papers, thousands of files and mails, I gave to Wikileaks. They will publish them soon.”

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    Meet Santiago Thomas Parker.

    Before the 58-year-old Floridian walked out of a Vero Beach grocery store with a stolen four-pack of Natural Ice beer, he had a message for the Hispanic customers inside the market.

    “Donald Trump is going to build that fucking wall and kick all of you mother fuckers out of here,” said Parker, who was born in Germany.

    Parker’s bellowing, cops noted, “made the Hispanic customers uncomfortable so much so...that they left the store.” When store manager Sharif Hanson, who is of Arab descent, asked Parker to leave the business, he replied, “Fuck you, Muslim bitch.”

    Parker, seen above, was subsequently collared by a sheriff’s deputy for swiping the Natty Ice, valued at $7.71.

    Before being arrested for shoplifting and disorderly intoxication, Parker made sure to continue “yelling and screaming racial slurs” at Hanson and customers leaving the grocery, police reported.

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    A quintet of children used a CPR dummy in a late-night bid to break into an Illinois convenience store, police report.

    The attempted 11:30 PM burglary of the Jackpot Supermarket failed since the Peoria business’s front door was protected by a series of metal bars, the Peoria Journal Star reported.

    According to cops, the suspects--three girls and two boys--are all around 10 years old. The CPR dummy, a Peoria Police Department report notes, “was used to break the glass out.”

    The children fled before officers arrived Monday evening. Cops noted that the glass on the market’s door had been shattered and that the young suspects had left the child-size CPR dummy behind at the crime scene.

    Market owner Moe Abdul told TSG that he was familiar with the minor suspects, saying that they had been previously thrown out of the store for stealing merchandise. The businessman--who paid $500 to replace the broken glass--estimated that the youngest suspect was eight and the oldest was around 15

    Abdul said that after the youths failed to break into his store, they proceeded to burglarize a neighboring market that did not have bars on its windows.

    As seen in the above store surveillance image, the CPR dummy--which could pass as a small, unclothed alien--was abandoned on the pavement outside the supermarket. The dummy was subsequently collected by a police evidence technician.

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    A couple is facing felony charges after they were spotted riding a stolen lawn mower in the nude at 8:30 AM on a Missouri road, records show.

    According to a court filing, Tanya Hopper, 40, and Larry Webster, 55, were busted last Tuesday following the bizarre incident near the city of Joplin.

    Responding to a 911 call about a naked man driving an orange lawn mower with a nude woman in his lap, Jasper County Sheriff’s Office deputies encountered Hopper and Webster in front of a friend's residence. The riding lawn mower was parked outside the home.

    During questioning, Hopper and Webster admitted to the naked mower ride. The suspects claimed that they had been skinny dipping at nearby Turkey Creek when their clothes were stolen by a man who emerged from the adjacent woods.

    Instead of walking home nude, the duo said they opted to drive away on a mower they claimed to have found in the woods.

    Since Hopper and Webster did not own the lawn mower in question--a $5000 Kubota "zero-turn radius" model--they were collared for felony stealing. The owner of the lawn mower told cops that it was on his property, not abandoned in the woods.

    Pictured above, Hopper and Webster were each released from custody on $500 bond.

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    In separate incidents early Saturday, two intoxicated Wisconsin motorists crashed their cars while playing Pokémon Go, investigators charge.

    According to cops, the first accident occurred at 2:35 AM when Benjamin Schappe, 25, “failed to negotiate a curve” and struck a pole in Verona, a town outside Madison. Schappe was transported to a local hospital with “non-life-threatening injuries.”

    Schappe, a Madison resident, was cited for drunk driving and inattentive driving.

    At 6:27 AM, Jordan Speigle drove off the road and into a tree in Verona, according to the Dane County Sheriff’s Office. Speigle’s Mitsubishi Galant caught fire after the crash, but the 26-year-old was able to escape from the vehicle.

    Speigle--who was treated for minor injuries at a local hospital--was cited for drunk driving and driving without insurance.     

    Seen above, Schappe (left) and Speigle both "admitted to playing Pokémon Go while they were driving," according to investigators.