Sleazy Liberal Media Caught Looking For Police Records On Herman Cain And His Wife
How extensive has the liberal media’s campaign to subject Herman Cain to one of its patented high-tech lynchings been?
Well, records show that exactly one news organization has filed an Open Records Act request seeking any police reports or records related to the Republican presidential candidate and his wife.
On October 20, an Associated Press reporter filed a request (excerpted here) with the Henry County Police Department for “all files, records, and documents” regarding the Cains, who are longtime residents of McDonough, in Georgia's Henry County.
A copy of the AP’s Open Records request was provided to TSG in response to our request for any requests filed with the Henry County cops for documents related to the Cains or their home address.
The AP’s document hunt--standard fare for journalists examining the background of a potential future president--only yielded documents relating to a 2005 speeding warning issued to Cain and a June 2011 threat to the GOP star’s campaign office, according to police.
Still, it is likely that the AP’s records hunt--especially since it included a request for police documents related to Gloria Cain--will trigger brickbats from press critics (we’re looking at you, Rushbo) who frequently detect sinister motives in such routine journalistic inquiries.