The Beatles

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The Beatles Backstage Rider

The Beatles

The Beatles had modest demands when they toured the U.S. in 1965 (here's the group's standard three-page rider and a one-page contract for the tour's Portland stop).

Remarkably, there's no requirement of bendy straws, Rough Rider condoms, or Cristal for the Fab Four. Instead, the most influential band ever just wanted adequate police protection, a "hi-fidelity sound system with adequate number of speakers," and "a platform for Ringo Starr and his drums."

The backstage dressing room accommodations were also spartan: "four cots, mirrors, an ice cooler, portable TV set and clean towels." As for ground transportation, the performers were not above sharing a ride: "Two (2) seven-passenger Cadillac limousines (air-conditioned if possible), with chauffeurs."

The rider also stipulated that the band “will not be required to perform before a segregated audience.” (4 pages)

Comments (7)

Wow - looks at the price of the tickets. Damn, I wish I'd gone to that concert...What were you doing Sunday August 22, 1965?? I was 8 and just arrived in Malaysia as an Army Brat during the War, then went to Boarding school in Singapore at!
Wow, that was exactly one week before my birth.
#5 ) "Artists will not be required to perform before a segregated audience" This was 1965 and Jim Crow was the law of the land in many states. Bravo!
Damn I feel sorry for the police protecting the Beatles. Handling the Beatles' crowds, they must of had ice on their balls all the time from all those teens going nuts for the Beatles.
Wow - look at the price of the tickets. Damn, I wish I'd gone to that concert.
Wow - looks at the price of the tickets. Damn, I wish I'd gone to that concert.
Wow - looks at the price of the tickets. Damn, I wish I'd gone to that concert.

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