TAGS: child pornography
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February 6, 2025
Creep, 63, is locked up without bail on 21 felony charges
June 14, 2012DOCUMENT: child pornography, FBI, Long Island, nambla, new yorkMan/boy membership roster in hands of federal agents
May 10, 2012DOCUMENT: child pornography, FBI, swordChild porn suspect tried to kill desktop with sword
February 27, 2012BUSTER: 4chan, child pornography, Massachusetts
February 16, 2012BUSTER: child pornography, mike lombardo, new york, search warrant, YouTube
January 17, 2012BUSTER: child pornography, internet, Mug Shot, Ohio
January 6, 2012BUSTER: child pornography, Department of State, FBI, undercover sting
December 28, 2011BUSTER: child pornography, TSA
November 2, 2011DOCUMENT: child pornography, Dakota Fanning, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, SeventeenFeds: Seventeen magazine pix violated probation
September 28, 2011DOCUMENT: child pornography, Department of State, FBI, undercover stingFeds: Diplomatic security officer copped to child porn
August 4, 2011DOCUMENT: child pornography, Facebook, FBI, Hello Kitty, IndianaMan, 22, claimed to have “15 year old girl personality”
August 4, 2011BUSTER: 4chan, child pornography, death threats, FBI
August 1, 2011BUSTER: child pornography, FBI, Michigan, Miley Cyrus
July 25, 2011DOCUMENT: child pornography, FBI, West VirginiaWest Virginian distributed illicit images of children
July 15, 2011BUSTER: child pornography, Vladimir Putin
June 29, 2011DOCUMENT: 4chan, child pornographyNotorious site's administrators sparked DHS probe