MUG SHOTS: Unusual Suspects

Comments (12)

is that helmet holding his brain inside?
busted licking windows on the short bus
I don't know what he did, but at least he was wearing his helmet.
Red is pondering over what makes him angrier: The fact that he is being arrested for his 17th domestic assult, or that the police arrested him during his friday night hockey game with the guys.
So where's his drool cup at?
Franks and beans!!
I got mail... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
"Special" Helmet, Check -- "Special" Bracelet, ARG!!!!
Why are they allowing his picture to be taken wearing his "little blue helmet". I thought all objects were taken when processing in.
Red Grange!
It's a good thing there's a helmet law!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is so awesome, I can't even think of anything.