MUG SHOTS: Unusual Suspects

Comments (13)

im pretty, so pretty................
Maskera? Naw man, I was born like this. Wanna blowjob?
Mouth breathing mom's basement dwelling cross-dresser who obviously is often getting into his older sister's bedroom for her undie drawers and makeup case.
I wonder why no one will hire me.
Donn wobby, Alpalpa. I det you out fo' youse kin say "Spanky.' -Buh'wheat
Stunt man for Kung Fu Panda
Is it eye-liner or guy-liner??? Let's ask his boyfriend!
Just because you're paraniod doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
He is either gonna really REALLY hate jail, or REALLY REALLY like jail
Whoa, did you see that flash? I had way too many shrooms. I am freakin' out, man!
How Raped in Jail?....So raped in jail
You got a pretty mouth boy.