Teen Who Tricked Ex Into Sex Cuts Plea Agreement
Perp concocted story about threats from drug dealers

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SEPTEMBER 21--A North Dakota teenager who tricked an ex-girlfriend into having sex with him by fabricating a bizarre story involving purported threats from drug dealers will cop to a pair of criminal charges, according to plea agreement struck with prosecutors.
Ryne Anderson, 19, has agreed to plead guilty to a felony terrorizing charge and a misdemeanor sexual assault count, according to the agreement, which was filed Tuesday in District Court in Grand Forks.
As part of the deal, Anderson is expected to be sentenced to five years in jail, with four of those years being suspended. If authorized by jailers, Anderson will be permitted to serve his sentence on a county work release program.
Anderson, pictured in the mug shot at right, was arrested last year after a former girlfriend, now 19, told police how he convinced her to engage in sexual activity. She said that Anderson claimed that his “life was in danger and that he needed help,” adding that unnamed drug dealers were watching both of them.
The pair’s lives would be endangered, Anderson told the teenager, unless “certain demands weren’t met within a specific timeframe.” Some of the purported demands made by the drug dealers "were sexual in nature,” according to a police report. Anderson told the victim that if “she didn’t go through with these demands that people would be hurt or even killed, including her and her family.”
After spinning this tale, Anderson arrived at the girl’s home last February and “stated that they better do what they needed to do, referring to the sexual demand,” cops reported. “This demand included performing felatio on the suspect and also involved penetration of the victim’s vagina with his penis.”
As TSG first reported, police and court documents offered no explanation as to why drug dealers would have wanted Anderson to engage in sexual activity with the victim, who was 17 at the time. Additionally, it is unclear how the teen could have been snookered by her ex-boyfriend’s fantastical story.
Anderson’s plea deal stipulates that he have no contact with the victim, who is now in college, her parents, and her brother. This requirement may necessitate an update to the Facebook pages of Anderson and the victim’s mother, since each still lists the other among their Facebook friends. (5 pages)