This Week’s Mug Shot Review Gets Four Thumbs Up
Rock stars, zombies, grills highlight latest roundup

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DECEMBER 13--This week’s mug shot roundup is bookended by a pair Utah residents who, arrested a day apart, both flashed two thumbs up for sheriff’s personnel. The gentleman who leads off our review was popped for being a minor in possession of alcohol. The gentleman on page #14 was nabbed for possession of synthetic marijuana. As for the suspects in between, some notes:
1) On Wednesday, Miami police collared the 39-year-old man on page #4 for possession of alcohol in a public place. Not further charges were lodged for his makeup job; 2) The uniformed Chicagoan, 29, on page #7 was nabbed Sunday for solicitation of a prostitute; 3) The 49-year-old Floridian on page #8 was busted Wednesday for indecent exposure, battery, and resisting arrest; 4) The bloodied Oregonian, 18, on page #9 was jailed Saturday for reckless driving and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle; 5) The tattooed feet seen on page #11 belong to a 21-year-old Florida man who was arrested Wednesday for robbery; and 6) The Michigan man, 44, with the distinctive hairdo on page #13 was arrested Wednesday for trespassing and consuming alcohol in public. (14 pages)